Arsenic poisoning is also known to cause chicken pox and shingles. A quote from https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16243151/ (have to obtain full text off sci-hub or likewise):

"In the British beer arsenic-poisoning epidemic of 1900, herpetic skin eruptions were found to increase to epidemic proportions. Dr E. S. Reynolds, who investigated these cases of ‘‘alcoholic neuritis,’’ was prompted by the frequent occurrence of shingles (herpes zoster) to conclude that ‘‘there must be arsenic in the beer the people are drinking ... because, of all known drugs arsenic is the only drug which causes shingles. Subsequently, the connection between herpetic skin lesions and acute arsenic poisoning has been shown, both for simplex and zoster eruptions. However, as environmental arsenic poisoning becomes uncommon and the therapeutic use of arsenic archaic, this association has been all but forgotten.’’

Or https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(46)90925-7/fulltext (again need to get off sci-hub):

"Perhaps in such cases the herpes zoster and the varicella are to be regarded as examples of Milian’s "biotropism," the arsenic acting by stimulating the pathogenic "agent" of a latent disease (herpes zoster, varicella) and so making it manifest its presence by an eruption. That is, I think, the most accepted theory, but it still remains almost incredible that arsenic can produce a common infectious disease such as chickenpox."

Also "bulbar poliomyelitis" (a form of "polio" that paralyzes cranial nerves and can lead to dysphagia) was known to basically be caused by tonsillectomies (the throat surgery somehow "precipitated" the polio virus in peoples' poop to shoot up and paralyze their necks):


(The above paper is the case from whence the "Mahoney strain" of polio was "isolated" from the poop of 3 children who never got sick - asymptomatic polio I suppose. In the paper, 5 kids in Akron, OH "got polio" after their tonsil surgery and nobody else in the entire city "got it").




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Charles, thanks for this excellent piece of detailed reporting. This is the kind of information that is sorely needed.

You might already be aware that President-elect Donald Trump, the no nothing, no information former gameshow host who rubberstamped “Operation Warp Speed,” says he’s a 'believer' in the polio vaccine. “You’re not gonna lose the Polio Vaccine,” Trump said assuredly. “That’s not going to happen.”


Whew—thank God! Because the tens of thousands of people who contracted polio and suffered as result of TAKING the polio vaccine were worried sick that the vaccine might disappear from the schedule after Trump takes office.


Vaccine Safety from the Horse’s Mouth . . .

After decades of aggressively promoting vaccines of all kinds, Dr. Stanley Plotkin, the world's leading vaccinologist, has finally admitted the fact that vaccine safety has never been robustly studied as he has long claimed.

A paper that Dr. Plotkin co-authored was published in The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) on July 6, 2024. It reveals that no vaccine has ever been properly studied either before or after its release.

This is tantamount to learning that the Ford Motor Company knowingly developed and sold tens of thousands of SUVs to the public, and then later admitting that the vehicle’s brakes were never adequately tested—a blatant policy failure resulting in thousands of collisions and deaths.

Reference link:



Interview: Jonas Salk Admits the Vaccine Causes Polio


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This web site is a pro polio vaccine site but it shows some of the problems with the vaccines as well as SIV40 contamination etc https://www.nvic.org/disease-vaccine/polio/vaccine-history-dd4713381b154c91281662b7ba176cff

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It's a remarkable coincidence I guess that same special tribe that get a free pass to smash babies skulls against walls, rape and murder and enslave all the other tribes also has a very long history of specializing in mass poisoning.

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The history of fake pandemics has led us to the horror we experience today. We even accept the possibility that these clowns can predict the exact date a pandemic will start. It's all nonsense as the kingdom of big pharma fakery continues to grow to the moon. Damn all vaccines and mRNA poisons to hell from whence they came.

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Where do you suggest the arsenic and lead poisoning came from? I'd be interested in hearing that from you.

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There's a long and well documented history from multiple sources that should answer that question here: https://charleswright1.substack.com/p/polio-was-not-caused-by-a-virus-nor. The article has become a reference base that I'm still adding to. The timeline of how arsenic and lead poisoning came to be is pretty well filled out in the link.

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Thank you. I will check that out.

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When the wicked spring as the grass, and when all the workers of iniquity do flourish; it is that they shall be destroyed for ever: (Ps 92:7)

But thou, LORD, art most high for evermore. (Ps 92:8)

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Yes, the only agenda behind vaccinations is a nefarious one.

Clean water and environment and basic hygiene and nutrition education is what people need to be or to get healthy.

Vaccines are a hoax for the gullible and for to justify keeping the poor in sick slums.

Here an other article on the topic.


Thank you for sharing and happy new year Charles.

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indeed, Engdahl's article.

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The "updated" version of "polio" as an illness is caused by the once abundant use of agricultural pesticides like nerve agent lead arsenate and DDT. There was no polio virus proven as the causative agent and that disease model never manifested as a contagion.

"Polio" was already nearly gone by the time the vaccine was being mass administered, and it also wasn't caused by a virus. The "disappearance" of polio coincided with the reclassification of paralytic conditions into new categories like Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) and Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS). At the same time DDT and other toxic pesticides—linked to paralysis—were being banned. The sharpest decline followed phasing out of lindane (benzene hexachloride, BHC) at the beginning of the 1950s.

The practice among doctors before 1954 was to diagnose all patients who experienced even short-term paralysis (24 hours) with “polio.” In 1955, the diagnostic criteria became much more stringent when the Salk vaccine was released. If there was no residual paralysis 60 days after onset, the disease was not considered paralytic polio. This change made a massive difference in the documented prevalence of paralytic polio because most people who experience paralysis recover before 60 days.

“Thus, simply by changes in diagnostic criteria, the number of paralytic cases was predetermined to decrease in 1955-1957, whether or not any vaccine was used.” H. Ratner et al., “The Present Status of Polio Vaccines,” Illinois Medical Journal, vol. 118

All those administered vaccines were just more $$$ for the pharma-vaxx syndicate. Another big lie.

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Lots to unpack here. Some of it I already have referenced; some I don't. https://charleswright1.substack.com/p/polio-was-not-caused-by-a-virus-nor

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As part of what I do I study the history of disease with an emphasis on those that are intertwined with the vaccine industry. As part of that I am tasked with reading source medical literature from when the diseases first allegedly emerged.

There are many things to say about this but two things stand out. One is that when you go back and read the source material it is always the case that the condition has been created/named/publicized as part of a public relations campaign and the medical industry is the front group for inventing these conditions.

I can't tell you how many of these source documents I have read but not one that I have read (by the most famous and award winning scientists, doctors etc.) stands up to scrutiny as a legitimate scientific/medical document yet all of them become accepted, due to powerful economic interests, as medical truths.

The second thing that stands out is that in every instance the product (vaccine e.g.) precedes the illness. When you read through the history of a single disease e.g. and follow the entire trajectory of that story it's quite fascinating to observe how it all comes to life.

Sadly the bullhorns of all academic, scientific, media, medical institutions are so loud they drown out the truth of these manufactured stories.

Excellent resource- BTW.

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one of the biggest. here too moving the goalposts, where have we heard that before? "no, you're not really jabbed unless you've received your second one!"; or "you got sick after your first shot? well, of course, therefore you must have your second one!;"or "you're not sick? but the test is positive, therefore you must be sick! quarantine it is!".

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