“When they’re through with Africa, they are coming for YOU!”

Well guess what? They're already here...and have been for awhile!


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Dr. Carrie addresses the same topic in this podcast from a few years ago:


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An article from a Doctor on the ground in Kenya shows how it is "greasing the palms" of responsible officials that makes this possible.

Kenyan doctor, Dr. Wahome Ngare, an obstetrician and gynecologist based in Nairobi,  accuses World Health Organization, UNICEF of sterilizing young women


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“Now this particular vaccine that [the WHO] produced had combined the tetanus vaccine and βhCG. And what would happen is if a woman is injected with this vaccine, she produces anti-tetanus antibodies,” Dr. Ngare explained. “But, unfortunately, she’d also produce anti-HCG antibodies. And what would happen is every time she would conceive, the antibodies would mutate the HCG from her blood to a point where she would never know if she was pregnant.”

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I just looked up use of human chorionic gonadotropin associated with pregnancy and "risk prevent pregnancy use human chorionic gonadotropin hCG using google scholar. I found no peer review articles associated with the use of hCG in preventing pregnancy.

However there are many forms or subunits of hCG . Without knowing the subunit used in the vaccines it would take a long time to find something. Also many peer reviews are funding by product makers so care must be taken.

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Gates and co-conspirators go around freely trespassing on regular people and are not being held accountable for their crimes against humanity'.

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Poor black Africans are the test subjects de jour. Look look at EBOLA .. where are the outbreaks? Where the vaxxes to prevent infection were 'tested'... yup. As far as the fertility impact, India and Africa targeted. you have some batches perfectly innocent others not, so that you can have plausible deniability. Bit by bit you work at getting EVERY female a jab with that in it... see how easy it becomes?

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That is how they work. Very very sneaky. Very dirty business.

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Freedom of expression and the free exchange of ideas are fundamental principles of democratic societies. Censorship of scientific information not only undermines these values but also limits the ability of citizens to engage in open and honest discussions about important issues that affect their lives.

When scientists face censorship, it can discourage them from pursuing research in certain areas or from sharing their findings. This can lead to self-censorship and a chilling effect on scientific inquiry, ultimately limiting our understanding of the world and our ability to address pressing issues.

Censorship of scientific information can have far-reaching consequences for society and the scientific community. It is essential to promote the free exchange of ideas and information to foster scientific progress and informed decision-making.

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I remember watching that yes.

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Nice find. Also YT's Claim would mean RFK's Book "Real Anthony Fauci" (2021) is also wrong (we know YT lying).

Chapter 10 - More Harm Than Good - page 336

"On November 6, 2014, four years after Gates pledged at a TED Talk to use vaccines to lower birth rates, medical researchers and doctors associated with the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB) and the Kenya Catholic Health Commission accused WHO, UNICEF, and GAVI of secretly conducting a mass sterilization program against Kenyan women, under the veil of eradicating tetanus disease." (100, 101)

100 - https://lifesitenews.com/news/a-mass-sterilization-exercise-kenyan-doctors-find-anti-fertility-agent-in-u

101 - http://ncronline.org/news/world/who-unicef-deny-kenyon-bishops-claim-they-supplied-sterility-causing-tetanus-vaccines/ (scrubbed lol. use wayback.)

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Let me say at the outset that I *can* imagine the referenced charges being true; and that I find censorship abhorrent. As the latter is the professed subject of your article I stand with that criticism.

On the other hand I find it unfortunate, if not reprehensible, that none of the references offer any actual substantiation, only statements that various "reports" exist.

We need to learn to think for ourselves, to discern truth.

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In 1938 a very famous Doctor was asked about cancer he said “I have never seen anyone with cancer accept those that took vaccines!”

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Listened to the clip twice, just to be sure. Dr. Madej said that in Detroit, the tetanus vaccine was being given to private-pay patients and not given to patients who were on welfare. Thus, welfare patients would have been more fertile compared to the private-pay patients, who would have been negatively affected by the hCG in the vaccine.

The Detroit protocol back then was about 180 degrees off from the direction of what seems to be happening more recently in countries with predominantly black & brown populations.

Anyone have an idea why this apparent change might have occurred?

If she simply misspoke about who were and weren't getting the vaccine in Detroit...problem solved.

But, if her recollection is correct, why were 'they' choosing to negatively impact fertility among patients who were lighter-skinned and had more economic resources?

I can easily imagine greed being involved in Detroit if, when complications arose among the impacted patients, they were able to extract more money from private insurance companies than they would have been able to get from Medicaid or some other public program geared to lower-income patients.

Bueller? Anyone?

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Perhaps because the pendulum has now swung the other way. The current goal is to flood western societies with black and brown people, to eventually displace white, affluent populations.

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just a guess, for same reason Deagel estimates are 80%+ reduction in developed nations vs emerging?

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I don't think 'they' would rely on tetanus vaccines to depopulate developed areas, but my only experience with tetanus vaccine was when I stepped on a non-rusty nail back in 1978 or so, and I don't have kids, so I don't know if tetanus is part of the childhood vaccination schedule, or if it is, when it got added. If the activity in Detroit was some sort of research project, maybe they didn't vaccinate the welfare patients because they calculated that if the project went sideways somehow, the scandal would have been more sensational and long-lasting if the victims were poorer and darker-skinned. Just speculating...I think I misplaced my "How to Think Like a Scorpion" handbook a couple of decades ago. Be well, ksa.

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I got my tetanus shot in my early 20's...remember, I "had" to get it for something....I also don't have kids...

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Any vaccine or transfection agent can obviously be made (on purpose or not) to cause pregnancy loss or preterm birth, primary infertility (damage to testes/ ovaries), secondary infertility (fertilization is possible but pregnancy continuation is not due to hCG antibodies or other induced auto-immune attack), or brain damage that renders the injected child pretty much mentally and socially incapable of successful mating behavior and child rearing. Isn't that what we've all been seeing already?

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Wouldn't want their depopulation efforts being exposed would they ...

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Accuse the other side that which you are guilty - Israel.

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Oriental medicine, Homeopathy and natural healing are the only true healers. Allopathic so called “medicine” is in essence, destructive procedures.

A. Bechamp was right with his terrain theory.

I guess germ theory is the excuse to justify killing, and the germs, I guess for those of the WEF/WHO/UN, is the people.

Instead of using the terrain theory, which would ask to fix things, the use the germ theory to bombard.

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Pharma owns or controls virtually all media today and they will use that control to ensure no negative information about any pharma product sees the light of day. We should all know that by now.

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Those characters- Malone, Kirsch, Gates, and many others, are neck deep in this shitshow. That they’re pretending to be the good guys makes them sinister and reprehensible.

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include that conceited MEGAN KELLY in that...why she let her hairdo turn her long face downright horselike i will never know!

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