Check out Scottish COVID-19 inquiry that corroborates Denis work.


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Off topic, sort of.

Anyone do any studies on dogs/ animals dying of strange diseases from humans shedding the vax on them?

Hard to prove probably.

But so many dogs have kidney shut down on X right now.

Thank you

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Vaccination schedule of dogs: check all that apply to your dog, then inject the poor thing. https://www.aaha.org/resources/2022-aaha-canine-vaccination-guidelines/vaccine-lifestyle-calculator/

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Thank you for covering our work. Cheers.

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You are welcome sir.

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Interesting but I don’t think they are in the right order

The listed causes in my opinion should be,

1 gates and melinda foundation, wef, gavi, who and UN.

2 censorship and trust in obviously corrupted and criminal governments.

3 allopathic medicine.

I would also add

4 United States gov

5 stupidity and corruption

6 protocols “of which respirators vax and poisons like remedesivir, lockdowns, mandates and draconian restrictions was part of”.

Let’s not also forget about masks wearing, which in effect made everyone wearing them sick with their lungs, hospitalized and often murdered by protocols.

Here more thoughts on our current situation


Anyhow thank you for sharing Charles

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All those things are true as well, but the overall point is that the deaths were not due to a virus from a statistical point of view.

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thanks for posting

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You're welcome Ann.

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what do you think of Michael Yeadon going against ivermectin ?

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I don't think it's necessarily against it. As far as I can tell antibiotics reduce fertlity. Sometimes it makes sense to take them.

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I have asked for comment from Dr. Pierre Kory and Dr. Tess Lawrie. Neither responded. I would like to know if it’s true that Ivermectin causes infertility as Mike Yeadon stated from him looking at early papers on it. I am waiting for someone to comment.

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Dr William Makis was annoyed that now that people have a cure for cancer Mike Yeadon comes out with this statement and so Dr Makis did a dive into whether ivermectin does indeed cause infertility and found that a couple of studies showed maybe it did but other studies showed it INCREASED fertitlity- something like that. Dr Makis has a paywall, but its only $7 a month - I subscribe to his substack, as he's very worthwhile. Its the only subscription I do, as I'm living on an old age pension and its hard to make ends meet, but I think although Dr Yeadon has done tremendous work, he's actually been part of the problem on Big Pharma before he switched sides and I like him tremendously but he's not God.

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Well it either does or doesn't increase infertility. I say put some Ivermectin in a petri dish with sperm, eggs, and fetuses and see what happens.

I am not impressed with Dr. Makis by the way. I found it concerning that Makis would gleefully report Moderna's mRNA cure for brain cancer after he reported so many cases of "turbo cancer" caused by Moderna, Pfizer and others. I think it is far more likely that Makis is a servant of the pharmaceutical industry than Yeadon.

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Hi Charles...thanks for comment - I wasn't aware of Makis gleefully announcing Moderna's mRNA cure for turbo cancer. He's doing studies on ivermectin and especially fenbendazole and the antiparasiticals associated with the Fen ben - there are alot of them. As I have owned horses ( still own two elderly ones and that's why I'm so broke ) I'm already familiar with those drugs for worms which horse owners are supposed to administer every couple of months to their horses... I do read your articles so I did know that you had reservations about Dr Makis, but as I'm Canadian and the expose he is doing to the Alberta Health Commission or whatever its called is fabulous so I subscribed. I know he prefers the Pierre Kory Robert Malone Ryan Cole group- which I don't - and I know you don't too, and I was surprised both at Mike Yeadon's new information on ivermectin and Dr Makis' response to Dr Yeadon... I lhave liked Dr Yeadon and I still do, but I also understood Dr Makis' point of view that cancer now - especially for those doctors that have lost access to chemo - so the parasitic drugs and their ability to turn around cancer is valuable and to not scare people off of them.

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I think Yeadon is referencing this: https://www.europereloaded.com/ivermectin-and-human-fertility-and-safety-studies/

I wrote something earlier: https://charleswright1.substack.com/p/does-ivermectin-reduce-fertility

I'm not saying it never makes sense to take it. Ivermectin clearly reversed the effects of ventilator-induced sepsis and ARDS in hospitalized "COVID" patients. That's what Pierre Kory doesn't want to talk about. I'm hoping Yeadon will talk about it.

The problem is in describing Ivermectin as an antiviral. If you describe Ivermectin as an antibiotic, people understand the risk better.

Tess Lawrie seems to have a problem with reporting that doctors like Pierre Kory killed their patients with ventilators and drugs, and Ivermectin could have reversed their effects.. There simply was no novel coronavirus.

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Thank you Ann and Charles for responding.

I will be doing so more reading.

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