"The way I see it, as long as you’re coughing out much of the byproducts of your dead lung tissues and the bacterial byproducts, the bacteria serves a good purpose."

This ^^^^^

Last week I had food poisoning. I sat on the toilet for hours pooping out the toxic crap that I ingested in my body. Once all the poop was gone, I started to poop out blood.

Oh the horror! Most people have been taught that anytime one poops out blood it is cancerous and you HAVE TO go to the hospital/doctor right away. No questions asked.

I went on the dead internet and researched "pooping blood" and "food poisoning." Surprisingly I didn't find much, a few articles said food poisoning can cause blood in one's stool. That was it.

But why would food poisoning cause blood in one's stool?

What is the body doing? I finally found one article that said bloody stools after food poisoning is the body's way of discharging the poison from the intestines. The intestines are lined with blood and mucous (to help the poop/food slide through) and when you have food poisoning the intestines will shed blood and mucous (via bloody stools) to get rid of the poison.

Sounds logical.

I am back to normal poops after a week (knock on wood).

Made me get to thinking that maybe the whole "coughing and pooping blood is cancer, and you are going to die tomorrow" scare tactics from the medical industrial complex may be false, and perhaps the body is just trying to get rid of toxins.

Or maybe I will be dead tomorrow. Oh well, no one gets out alive.

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germ theory has long been weak science

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Finding a particle at the scene of the crime "logic" says it's always the cause of the death/injury/disease.

This is like saying maggots must have killed the animal because they always seem to be found in dead animals.

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Exosomes are also part of the body's detoxification process, Sientissts call them viruses though.

Just a bit of nit-pick, but i think you may have mistaken Evolution for Adaptation early in your article, unless i misunderstood something there.

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I studied macrobiotic diet and how the alkalizing diet is oxygenating to the blood. Cancer cannot grow there. A book called Alkalize or Die might be if interest to you.

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I've listened to Dr. Young on that topic a few times. People should definitely cut out the acidic junk foods.

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I like the cough drop idea!

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Makes sense. Occams razor.

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I like this thinking. Deciding that the "particle" (either "virus" or bacteria) is the actual CAUSE of the problem where it's found, is akin to deciding the police must be the cause of all murders, because whenever there's a murder, you'll end up seeing a crowd of cops at the scene. And modern medicine doesn't CARE what happened BEFORE the bacteria showed up.

The bacteria is a symptom. It shows up. But this is not evidence that it is the cause.

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Reversal of cause and effect is everywhere. "Wet streets cause rain" is how Murray Gell-Mann described it.

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"Wet streets cause rain." I LOVE IT!

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I like the analogy of returning home to see firefighters putting out the blazing inferno that was formerly your place of residence, and blaming them for the fire.

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That's a GOOD one! Fits perfectly, cause those guys show up FAST (most of the time;-)

BAM! That's the right one! Thanks.

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Important, informative article Mr

Wright. I'm definitely going to try to avoid breathing cold air to avoid pneumonia.

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One of the best tricks I found to avoid colds, flus, etc associated with winter was by using cough drops. I like the Ricola brand with the natural herbs. They moisten your throat and force you to breathe more through your nose.

I'm still not completely sold that some disease symptoms can't be transferred between humans. This is where "terrain" theory comes in perhaps. If conditions in your body are acceptable then some particles another person may expel by coughing or sneezing may take hold in your body. It needs more research by honest people like the Baileys.

Anecdotally, I used to ride to work with many people for construction jobs. We had a rule- use cough drops, no coughing or sneezing allowed. I now wonder about the method by which cough drops worked. We thought it was because they suppressed the coughing and sneezing.

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"If conditions in your body are acceptable then some particles another person may expel by coughing or sneezing may take hold in your body." --

People are not contagious. People do not contain particles that are contagious. People do not contain contagious biological particles that cause themselves or anyone else any illness or disease.

You really are fearfully beguiled by the myth of contagion, aren't you? You just can't let it go...in spite of the glaring lack of evidence.

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I consider smallpox to be evidence. I hardly think it's irrational to believe there is no evidence of contagion in the evidence of what we know or have been tauge about smallpox in the 16th century. By some estimates 90% of the Aztecs died after Cortez arrived in modern day Mexico. https://theconversation.com/how-smallpox-devastated-the-aztecs-and-helped-spain-conquer-an-american-civilization-500-years-ago-111579

And while smallpox in the 19th/20th centuries can of course be attributed to injecting yourself with the pus of a pox (inoculation), there is no evidence that the Aztecs were injected themselves with anything in the early 16th century.

Polio was bullshit, I looked into that one. But I cannot dismiss smallpox as easily. Can you? I'm all ears, seriously.

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The best by far is vitamin D therapy.. your body has many vitamin d receptors.. colds and flus tend to occur during the shorter daylight periods.. combine that with staying in doors rebreathing stagnant air.. which increases mold spores..the higher concentration of bacteria..seeing the picture yet....

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Thank you Charles

Why is cold air a problem?

The lungs requires air to reach 100% humidity at the alveoli.

Cold air holds the least moisture. Cold air is dry.

What is dryer than cold air?

Oxygen is measured by its dryness in parts per million of water contamination. Medical oxygen has 67ppm of water contamination.

Can you see the problem?

Oxygen is not prescribed for breathlessness.

Instead it is primarily prescribed for the terminally ill.

Palliative care is not kind!

Oxygen and nitrogen and the other atmospheric gases are all manufactured from air.

They are not constituents of the air we breathe.

Oxygen exists only while it is contained and if released it extracts moisture from the environment to return to it’s natural state: moist air.

When released inside the lungs, moisture is extracted from the respiratory mucosa and delicate alveoli. This causes micro-clots and with time kills in plain sight.

The terms: Reactive oxygen species, oxidation and oxidised in physiology are hiding dehydration and dryness.

What causes altitude sickness?

Cold air equals dry air

Lower pressure - lung efficiency is lowered

Altitude sickness has the same symptoms of dehydration or hyponatremia.

Hydration equals salt plus water

You can test how pressure influences lung efficiency with Wim Hoffs hyperbaric breathing method. A novice can easily hold their breath for 2 1/2 mins after three rounds.

I’ve a new take on blood and lung physiology that dismisses the gaseous exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide.

The Red Blood Cells are rehydrated as they pass through the alveoli capillaries with salt water. Just like the saline drip adds salt water to RBCs through intravenous exposure.

The red light monitoring is checking for hydration not oxygenation.

Dark contracted RBCs are dehydrated

Light expanded RBCs are hydrated

The RBCs are salt water sponges.

Monitoring the dark versus light RBCs calculates % of hydration.

Dehydration is the initial vector for all dis-ease. Think sticky instead of slick. Brain function to bowel function.

Women have a higher need for salt because their reproductive system requires hydration.

This is why dementia is more prevalent in women especially in institutional care, salt restriction is mandatory.

We were very easy to fool.

Put salt back on your table

And ask for fresh air instead of oxygen

Sanatoriums were built along coastlines for good reason. The ocean waves burst with air bubbles as they crash. The oceans create the air we breathe.

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Sanatoriums also allowed people to bath in sunlight... vitamin D?

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Housatonic Live should be mandatory viewing for any Covid warrior.

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Then why do antibiotics CURE pneumonia?

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They kill bacteria. Sometimes that's the right thing to do, especially in "COVID pneumonia" which is really bacteria pneumonia falsely diagnosed. It's why Ivermectin saved people's lives in hospitals if they could receive it against the hospital's policy. Like I said the bacteria excretions are toxic and deadly in high concentrations. Sadly the hospitals do everything in their power to create this condition.

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"bacteria pneumonia" --

Haven't we discussed this before?

Bacteria eat dead cells & tissue -- they do not attack and eat living cells or tissue. They are janitors and not parasites or predators. They only show up when needed to clean house. They do not float about the air looking for victims. They more than probably come from the dead cells themselves. As the cell dies, the bacteria are "spawned" to eat it up and break it down to its original molecules for recycling or elimination.

When bacteria are seen at the scene of the crime, the crime has already been committed. They did not kill the tissue or cells in the lungs.

Their poop is not toxic per se, but it rightfully causes inflammation and that causes a production of mucus. Too much mucus and you feel as though you are drowning. Kill some of the bacteria and reduce the levels of poop-caused inflammation and you will reduce the production of mucus. But FFS, don't kill all or even most of the janitors -- just enough to get some relief.

Bacteria did not kill the lung tissue that they are seen cleaning up, and therefore it's not right to say they are the cause of the pneumonia. Pneumonia is pneumonia is pneumonia, it doesn't matter what caused the condition -- what matters most is HOW you react to it (or overreact to it).

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"They more than probably come from the dead cells themselves. As the cell dies, the bacteria are "spawned" to eat it up and break it down to its original molecules for recycling or elimination."

This is a radical statement. That doesn't mean you're wrong. Certainly animials are rapidly consumed by microorganisms after they die. Whether they are born from within cells or just multiply rapidly from small amounts in the ecosystem is the question.

But if there are these things born from cells, that are bacteria, isn't that sort of like saying that bacteria are what people also describe as "viruses?" I know I'm probably oversimplifying it. And what the heck is an exoxome. Do bacteria start off as exosomes?

As far as this type of research goes, sometimes your're better off asking someone who knows than asking google, so I hope you don't mind. Disinformation has been incorporated into modern medicine and virology for so long that the root sources,logic of their field have been buried, and not too many people have made a study of the wisdom of man before the Rockefellers purchased the medical industry and started promoting lies for their own benefit.

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Search Dr Andrew Kaufman on exosomes. He shows microscopic images in his videos of cells literally pushing out the toxins in little 'clumps'. The clumps are exosomes and this is the body's way of detoxing. However, mainstream 'scientists' call them viruses and say that thay cause disease.

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Hospitals create more bacteria than we had before, and new more deadly kinds as well.

Murder Factories, i call them.

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"Hospitals create more bacteria than we had before"

No, they don't. Hospitals are buildings and not biological organisms. Only biological organisms can create bacteria. If anything, more bacteria are killed at hospitals than any place else.

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Let's put this terms more amenable with your position. They kill the good, and create the bad, including new and worse adaptations. How's that sound?

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"They kill the good, and create the bad, including new and worse adaptations. How's that sound?"

There are no bad bacteria. There are no "worse" adaptations. The idea that there are "superbugs" has merely been a cover story hiding the fact that some people in hospital are overdosed with antibiotics which kills enough bacteria inside their entire body that their organs shut down and they die.

If bacteria are being found to be more resistant to antibiotics, then that means Mother Nature kicks fucken ass on anything mankind can throw at Her. It's a good sign and not a bad one. Bacteria are more than just our friends -- they are 100% essential to our mortal lives.

Mind your tone with me.

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As you can see, my post was edited with tone in mind. I'd barely had my first sip of coffee and it came out wrong. I am here to learn, and i think you have some good ideas. You can relax now.

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I like to mention something about clinics vs hospitals.

Hospitals are the most deadly places when talking about infections, for which they have invented a specific term, “hospital infections”

Clinics, on the other hand, are private institutions which use the same doctors and remedies used in regular hospital, the main difference is that the amount of “hospital infections”:in clinics, is on the average 75 to 90 percent less then in hospitals

The main difference between the two, is that the second “clinics”, use UVC air “and surfaces” cleaning systems.

This information “which was heavily censured from the start and during the core of the scamdemic” is now widely available.

My favorite devices are made by Finnish American company called biozone scientific.

I advise you to make a little research on the subject.

I can talk from personal experience because I own and use several UVC air cleaning units.

Since I begun using them “ 5 years ago” I have not suffered a cold which lasted more than 24 hours.

Here something I wrote about it including how to build your own for cheep.


Any how as always thanks for your work and for sharing

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still, I would probably want to go home with a short course of antibiotics, oxygen cannula if need… people were sent home from the ER without anything and got worse, setting them up for the deadly hospital “protocols”

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Oxygen cannula? Why

I watched my uncle attach himself to his oxygen tank via a nose cannula and he died a miserable death. A chap that was happy and cheerful got snappy and longed for death to end his suffering. His nose and mouth were deeply cracked on his last days. I can only imagine what is lungs looked like.

I never imagined then the very thing we have been conditioned to think we breathe could be used to kill.

But that’s the trick, they use our naivety against us!

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my dad had one when he had pneumonia and it helped him

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There is anaesthesia paper where they discuss oxygen and alveoli damage when using it in anaesthesia, I think they reported 90% of patients had alveoli damage.

The lungs can repair some damage but scarring occurs and function probably reduces.

I imagine there is a time exposure and lung susceptibility point where the dehydration is acute enough to kill.

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My article

We breathe air not oxygen explains why I say oxygen is toxic.

It unravels a few paradigms as I pull on the thread of what it is we breathe


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back in the day my mom put a humidifier in my bedroom when I was sick

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Isn't this condition excess mucous in the lungs? Seems to me the body is trying to get rid of the excess mucous

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Doesn't the mucous trap all the bacteria excess and your body expels it this way? Same thing I think.

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Do we have bacteria in the lungs? We have air, that has oxygen, we breathe. It there bacteria from air in the lungs? Just exploring this in my mind. Does bacteria exists in oxygenated blood areas? From what I know about cancer, it does not survive in oxygenated blood. Just saying.

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You know more about that than I do. I'm under the impression that we are constantly exposed to bacteria. I think it is inhaled or swallowed regularly. It may not be viable in oxygenated blood. When we die, our bodies are rapidly consumed by this stuff. I think it's a part of the food chain and ecosystem that consumes dead matter. I'm just thinking out loud as well. These conversations are how people learn and I appreciate them.

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"I'm under the impression that we are constantly exposed to bacteria. I think it is inhaled or swallowed regularly." ----

"Exposed to bacteria" -- as if bacteria are pathogenic, illness-causing creatures when they absolutely are not.

If you're inhaling or swallowing bacteria, you are inhaling & swallowing microscopic janitors. Since when did janitors become lethal predators?

Still haven't read about any of Beuchamp's work?

Your body is MOSTLY bacteria inside & out. Living cells & tissue have expiry dates built into them and millions of them are dying all day, every day, inside your body and upon it. Bacteria eat up and recycle those dead cells & tissue.

Death of cells & tissue occurs all day every day in your lungs & kidneys & liver & heart & brain and all the rest -- and if you kill the janitors who clean up that waste, you end up with systemic failure. If it happens in hospital, "they" call it MRSA (blame it on the janitors) -- but it's more than likely an overdose of antibiotics.

Do your level best, CHARLES, to find studies that contain sound methodologies whose results convince you that bacteria harm or kill living cells or tissue.

Good luck.

Someone can show you a video of what appears to be bacteria attacking living cells, but are you sure that's what is going on? Are the attackers actually bacteria? Is their prey actually a living cell and not a dead cell or fungi or mold or something else?

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Thanks for your comments. I haven't read anything by Beuchamp but I have read a summary. It's all very different from what the public has been taught in public education. I'm certainly interested in learning more, so if you have any specific reading materials that would be helpful.

On a related note, you must have thought about the role of bacteria and cancer. I'd like to have your opinion on that topic. Do bacteria play a role in cancer?

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"Do bacteria play a role in cancer?"

Do janitors cause illness? Are janitors malevolent?

Beauchamp >> https://ia904706.us.archive.org/6/items/bechamporpasteur00hume_0/bechamporpasteur00hume_0.pdf

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I believe that the lungs create mucus to surround impurities, foreign materials, bacterial blooms and materials included. This mucus hinders breathing, which causes an irritation that the body reacts to by coughing to expel the mucus which also contains the impurities.

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I think mucus comes from milk products and other animal products. I do not have colds where there is mucus. I do not ingest animal products and my lungs are clear.

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Jan 16, 2024
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what caused the relaxation of the esophageal sphincter muscle? If the food finds it's way into the bronchial passage, that is a slight problem. Maybe the Bacteria there are a protective measure, cleaning up the stuff (food, dead cells) that get in the way. That's what Bailey was saying anyway.

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The nuts and bolts ..

Partially digested food can reflux up to the larynx when asleep.. which is common in older people... it often causes pepsin to also rise and lodge into cells above the LES and nasal passage.. hence that feeling of a full throat first thing and pressure behind nose.... pepsin will break down tissue when acidic food or liquids binds to it...so cure by nasal washes with sodium bicarbonate.. and sipping a weak solution of bicarbonate.which neutralises pepsin lodged in mucosa...which takes away its ability to digest tissue..but should pepsin enter the upper airways then gravity takes them into lower lobes.. this is the first stage of aspirational pneumonia... pepsin starts to destroy lung tissue... bacteria meant to break down food starts breaking down tissue..this is not good.Get hold of a nebuliser and use the standard sodium chloride vials.. this neutralises any pepsin in the lung and helps loosen mucus enough to expel it..pepsin in places outside of the stomach can lodge for weeks unless you use these above methods to neutralise.

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I hear you. Your Original Post left out the adjective "Bedridden". Thanbks for the follow up.

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Relaxed LES is two fold.. low stomach acid between meals allows some stomach content to enter eosphagus.. but also low melatonin...the body releases melatonin just before lay down to sleep.. as we age we make less .. so supplemental with a plant based melatonin not synthetic.. or stare at blue sky.

Old people bed bound do not recharge levels of melatonin so Les stays open.. you can retrain it to close by using calcium citrate.

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Do you suggest that the bacteria feed on living tissue? I believe this is the core question.

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The nuts and bolts ..

Partially digested food can reflux up to the larynx when asleep.. which is common in older people... it often causes pepsin to also rise and lodge into cells above the LES and nasal passage.. hence that feeling of a full throat first thing and pressure behind nose.... pepsin will break down tissue when acidic food or liquids binds to it...so cure by nasal washes with sodium bicarbonate.. and sipping a weak solution of bicarbonate.which neutralises pepsin lodged in mucosa...which takes away its ability to digest tissue..but should pepsin enter the upper airways then gravity takes them into lower lobes.. this is the first stage of aspirational pneumonia... pepsin starts to destroy lung tissue... bacteria meant to break down food starts breaking down tissue..this is not good.Get hold of a nebuliser and use the standard sodium chloride vials.. this neutralises any pepsin in the lung and helps loosen mucus enough to expel it..pepsin in places outside of the stomach can lodge for weeks unless you use these above methods to neutralise.

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Sugar or glucose and yeast.. yeast is a live entity… it’s called fermentation they will use glucose from any source including cells.. fat cells etc.same way cancer feeds.

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Another person who comments here sometimes has described how bacteria create fermentation that cancer cells feed on. I'm not as familiar with the role of fungi and cancer but I have meant to look into it more. I've written that antibiotics like ivermectin, Fenbendazole, and so on kill cancer cells by killing bacteria that they have formed an alliance with the cancer cells . But perhaps it is more fungi than bacteria, or perhaps both play a role. Antibiotics are generally anti fungal as well. Artemisia, ivermectin, and so many other things that are anticancer are also antibiotic and antifungal that it cannot be a coincidence. These are the types of questions that can be easily and quickly answered with appropriate studies. You just can't count on one cent from the government or pharmaceutical industry to do the correct studies. They are a criminal racket that creates cancer to profit and kill. And so far not one "philanthropist" has taken me up on it either.

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At least it's the Best Criminal Racket! 🤣

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