At this point I do not know which way to point my nose. I do smell a rat, though. Well, lots of rats and pretty darn big ones.
An interesting twist pointing against the AIRBORNE nature of the spread of this pandemic (virus or by another mechanism) is the patterns of infection spread that have been studied in Italy and the USA. The spread of the infection followed administrative boundaries with disparate protocols of mitigation. Meaning the spread stopped at city or county boundaries, which seems a little unlikely for airborne infections.
they didn't think that 'infection' (booth non specific symptoms and a positives in a non- specific test) stopping at administrative boundaries with different methods of treating people with toxic drugs etc was evidence that there was no virus or infection at all, airborne or otherwise???
I am still banned from twitter for questioning the evidence for viruses, when everyone else seems to be back on, I think that tells us everything we need to know.
I imagine you have seen this. I'll share it here for you and anyone else who reads this see this great discussion on the 'real' cause of death by injection and covid: it isn't the spike protein.
Tom Cowan and Stefano Scoglio
PEG is the main component of of the lipid nano-particles is anti-freeze
Self-adjuvant (doesn't need aluminium, for example).
Aluminum is deliberately added as a poison to show/stimulate an immune response that wouldn't happen with the actual virus - the body defences are too strong.
(Japanese sent more than a million vials back because they found metal particles.)
No. I'll take a look. I've had several references in the last while to the toxicity of aluminium.
And have you looked at the issue if envenomation? It supports the terrain theory, as being the 'virus' spread by air or water. I am now convinced that envenomation is the 'real' thing, if not totally then to a very significant degree. I just learned that Remdesivir is snake venom. I recommend the following videos for a interesting argument about this. Envenomation makes a lot of sense and explains a lot of the odd behaviours. (And, on the spiritual side, aligns with the idea that this is actually mostly a spiritual war.)
Also, I suspect its veracity in light of the fact that no-one is talking about it. The TRUTH is most likely where were are not looking or being told not to look. For venom, the psyops aren't even addressing it in order that it isn't talked about at all.
Bryan Ardis 'covenom19' documentary
Heart attack gun (which had a personal synchronicity with my learning of a German CIA news agent who died of heart attach shortly after blowing the whistle in 'Enjoy the Show')
I'm not sure which side of the debate you're referring to, but I think the vaccine & bio/chem/warfare industry with their massive research budget should foot the bill.
Viruses are widely accepted by science, medicine and the military. There has been zero evidence presented to disprove the theory. Science is not about proving a theory, its about disproving theories. Until that is done, and nobody has done so, nobody is going to fund alternative theories or fund studies that support what already is accepted.
Besides, even if scientists go about the study suggested it wont satisfy these people. In their own words
“If they succeed in this first task then we would encourage them to proceed to the required purification experiments to obtain the probative evidence for the existence of viruses”
So r” the reality of the situation is nobody is going to do anything. The Virus Deniers are no threat to the establishment. They will be ignored, no doubt useful only as the subject of virologists jokes as they roll in the money from the viruses and vaccines they create. If enough people believe viruses don't exist, all the better as there will be fewer people calling for them to be locked up for creating what doesn't exist (yet somehow created a holocaust of 25 million excess deaths between the virus, vaccine, bad protocols meant to kill and lockdowns)
Thats a defacto denial, and without any evidence at all. In fact it flies in the face of cellular genomics since Sars-Cov-2 genomic sequences would be detected in everybody unless she is arguing without any evidence that stressed/dying tissues assemble the Sars-Cov-2 RNA from random nucleotides and then make the viral proteins that are detected in genome and protein sequencing from COVID patients.
And since we have many viruses these stressed tissues also make up all the other viruses but manages to only make one virus at a time as otherwise patients would test positive for everything.
I don't assume that the genetic sequence described as "SARS-CoV-2" has ever been found in humans. I have not seen where it was separated from other material in human blood. I have seen where it has been cultured, which they described as "isolation."
For debate though, let's assume this sequence has been truthfully isolated, or perhaps it does exist, but is impossible to isolate due to the limitations of science to separate the genetic material by mechanical means.
As far as a delivery method of the material, I think an injection of the entire genetic sequence into the human body in a needle would work.
Another possibility for an occurrence of the genetic sequence in humans could be explained by a recombinant virus event along the lines of what Ralph Baric tried to patent in 2002 in U.S. Patent application #7,279,372: "Methods for producing recombinant coronavirus."
Along the recombinant virus creation lines, the "variants" of SARS-CoV-2 could potentially be explained by pharma changing their mRNA mix to generate different genetic sequences by recombinant methods. I'd like to see some scientists read Baric's patent application #7,279,372 and tell me if what I'm saying is plausible.
And you totally lost me on your recombinant virus creation hypothesis to explain the exogenous delivery of Sars-Cov-2 . I assume you mean via airborne transmission. Sars-Cov-2 is likely made just in that way, as are variants like Omicron
Viruses are the perfect delivery vehicle for introducing genetic material into humans. Much of the human genome is of viral origin
Well, its been sequenced literally in millions of people who test positive with a Ct<28, which means they are symptomatic with COVID like symptoms, and only 5-10% people test positive (most testing negative are asymptomatic)
Its never been isolated from the blood because it is not present in high enough amounts, if at all.
Also, we have sequencing that can do without cultures. Its called Metagenomic Next Generation Sequencing
I really don't understand the rejection of using cultures. The laws of biology dictate its the only way to grow virus. Viruses are nanoparticles, so without enough virus you cant see it.
They use controls to ensure whatever is added to the culture is not contaminated. And since we know the genetic material contained in the cells used, they can make sure their viral sequences don't contain contaminant human RNA
Injecting the viral RNA wont work because natural RNA is incredibly fragile and degrades rapidly. Thats why the vaccines encapsulate it in lipids and use pseudouridine instead of uracil. Besides, before vaccines we had COVID so when exactly were these people being injected?
Dr Bailey is great, but there is definitely a patented bioweapon computer generated gene sequence that is transmitting in airborne particules or sweat. I think it was stuck on a virus in order to get the already planned jabs Emergency Approved, and the jabs are the worse bioweapon.
Exosomes seem to be what the word to use is. S1 spreads by exosomes. Like pheromones, they are an intra body and between bodies communication system. There needs to be surface marker matches for the uptake to occur, so it is specific communication.
It is called "passive vaccination" in earlier animal research. It worked. Ethically was said to not be for humans, goal cause infertility in an unwanted animal population. *It used the modified mRNA - I'm saying early research with this technology was for controlling fertility in unwanted animal populations. <<< It did say it would be unethical to use the "passive vaccination" technique on humans. It totally takes away Informed Consent.
I put any manmade chemical compounds, whether RNA /DNA based or not, in a separate category from any naturally-occurring RNA/DNA compounds that would otherwise naturally occur in animals.
COVID-19, whatever it is or isn't (perhaps a combination of many things), is clearly an intentionally created pandemic. To me, that means that if there are infections that have spread within the pandemic, that trying to apply theories of actual natural viruses to the pandemic may not be sufficient to describe the event(s).
The debate and test model proposal suggested by Bailey et al is a good starting point to understand true virology in general. As for "COVID-19", we are trying to describe a chem/bio warfare event (including the vaccines), mass media propaganda, and other unknown factors.
Have to watch this
It’s the graphine
I have summarised the viral theory and it's short comings and associated problems with the narrative here you may find it interesting
At this point I do not know which way to point my nose. I do smell a rat, though. Well, lots of rats and pretty darn big ones.
An interesting twist pointing against the AIRBORNE nature of the spread of this pandemic (virus or by another mechanism) is the patterns of infection spread that have been studied in Italy and the USA. The spread of the infection followed administrative boundaries with disparate protocols of mitigation. Meaning the spread stopped at city or county boundaries, which seems a little unlikely for airborne infections.
See Dr. Yeadon and Dr Paul Alexander;
they didn't think that 'infection' (booth non specific symptoms and a positives in a non- specific test) stopping at administrative boundaries with different methods of treating people with toxic drugs etc was evidence that there was no virus or infection at all, airborne or otherwise???
I am still banned from twitter for questioning the evidence for viruses, when everyone else seems to be back on, I think that tells us everything we need to know.
Here is my post with comments from Dr Yeadon and his update on evidence for viruses
Since my reply, above, I've now come to understand that viruses as 'advertised' do not exist. Thank you for your continued work.
Fabulous! You're very welcome 🙏🏽
I imagine you have seen this. I'll share it here for you and anyone else who reads this see this great discussion on the 'real' cause of death by injection and covid: it isn't the spike protein.
Tom Cowan and Stefano Scoglio
PEG is the main component of of the lipid nano-particles is anti-freeze
Short summary:
False science of mRNA entering the cell.
4 defences against entry to the cell.
Self-adjuvant (doesn't need aluminium, for example).
Aluminum is deliberately added as a poison to show/stimulate an immune response that wouldn't happen with the actual virus - the body defences are too strong.
(Japanese sent more than a million vials back because they found metal particles.)
thank you I will watch, have you seen the baileys latest on aluminium in jabs - and that mineral water can help
No. I'll take a look. I've had several references in the last while to the toxicity of aluminium.
And have you looked at the issue if envenomation? It supports the terrain theory, as being the 'virus' spread by air or water. I am now convinced that envenomation is the 'real' thing, if not totally then to a very significant degree. I just learned that Remdesivir is snake venom. I recommend the following videos for a interesting argument about this. Envenomation makes a lot of sense and explains a lot of the odd behaviours. (And, on the spiritual side, aligns with the idea that this is actually mostly a spiritual war.)
Also, I suspect its veracity in light of the fact that no-one is talking about it. The TRUTH is most likely where were are not looking or being told not to look. For venom, the psyops aren't even addressing it in order that it isn't talked about at all.
Bryan Ardis 'covenom19' documentary
Heart attack gun (which had a personal synchronicity with my learning of a German CIA news agent who died of heart attach shortly after blowing the whistle in 'Enjoy the Show')
Stew Peters extended version of the above.
COVENOM-19 Series Vol 1
A nice personal interview of Bryan Ardis about the venom theory with Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson
Bailey, Cowen et al's challenge has been accepted and they're not putting up the money.
They are frauds.
Says the guy who included no corroborating evidence to support the claim.
I'm not sure which side of the debate you're referring to, but I think the vaccine & bio/chem/warfare industry with their massive research budget should foot the bill.
Viruses are widely accepted by science, medicine and the military. There has been zero evidence presented to disprove the theory. Science is not about proving a theory, its about disproving theories. Until that is done, and nobody has done so, nobody is going to fund alternative theories or fund studies that support what already is accepted.
Besides, even if scientists go about the study suggested it wont satisfy these people. In their own words
“If they succeed in this first task then we would encourage them to proceed to the required purification experiments to obtain the probative evidence for the existence of viruses”
So r” the reality of the situation is nobody is going to do anything. The Virus Deniers are no threat to the establishment. They will be ignored, no doubt useful only as the subject of virologists jokes as they roll in the money from the viruses and vaccines they create. If enough people believe viruses don't exist, all the better as there will be fewer people calling for them to be locked up for creating what doesn't exist (yet somehow created a holocaust of 25 million excess deaths between the virus, vaccine, bad protocols meant to kill and lockdowns)
So you've resolved virology's inherent circular reasoning and methodological falsification? Do share, by all means!
She did not say that viruses do not exist. She said:
"they are simply the ordinary and inevitable breakdown particles of stressed and/or dead and dying tissues. They are therefore not pathogens"
Thats a defacto denial, and without any evidence at all. In fact it flies in the face of cellular genomics since Sars-Cov-2 genomic sequences would be detected in everybody unless she is arguing without any evidence that stressed/dying tissues assemble the Sars-Cov-2 RNA from random nucleotides and then make the viral proteins that are detected in genome and protein sequencing from COVID patients.
And since we have many viruses these stressed tissues also make up all the other viruses but manages to only make one virus at a time as otherwise patients would test positive for everything.
Honestly, I’d rather believe in the Easter Bunny
SARS-CoV-2 is not natural, and therefore would not be expected to be found in humans by natural occurrence.
So how do you think it got into humans if you accept her hypothesis?????
An exogenous source is consistent with a pathogenic virus, and not consistent with her endogenous “virus “ hypothesis
I don't assume that the genetic sequence described as "SARS-CoV-2" has ever been found in humans. I have not seen where it was separated from other material in human blood. I have seen where it has been cultured, which they described as "isolation."
For debate though, let's assume this sequence has been truthfully isolated, or perhaps it does exist, but is impossible to isolate due to the limitations of science to separate the genetic material by mechanical means.
As far as a delivery method of the material, I think an injection of the entire genetic sequence into the human body in a needle would work.
Another possibility for an occurrence of the genetic sequence in humans could be explained by a recombinant virus event along the lines of what Ralph Baric tried to patent in 2002 in U.S. Patent application #7,279,372: "Methods for producing recombinant coronavirus."
Along the recombinant virus creation lines, the "variants" of SARS-CoV-2 could potentially be explained by pharma changing their mRNA mix to generate different genetic sequences by recombinant methods. I'd like to see some scientists read Baric's patent application #7,279,372 and tell me if what I'm saying is plausible.
And you totally lost me on your recombinant virus creation hypothesis to explain the exogenous delivery of Sars-Cov-2 . I assume you mean via airborne transmission. Sars-Cov-2 is likely made just in that way, as are variants like Omicron
Viruses are the perfect delivery vehicle for introducing genetic material into humans. Much of the human genome is of viral origin
Well, its been sequenced literally in millions of people who test positive with a Ct<28, which means they are symptomatic with COVID like symptoms, and only 5-10% people test positive (most testing negative are asymptomatic)
Its never been isolated from the blood because it is not present in high enough amounts, if at all.
Also, we have sequencing that can do without cultures. Its called Metagenomic Next Generation Sequencing
I really don't understand the rejection of using cultures. The laws of biology dictate its the only way to grow virus. Viruses are nanoparticles, so without enough virus you cant see it.
They use controls to ensure whatever is added to the culture is not contaminated. And since we know the genetic material contained in the cells used, they can make sure their viral sequences don't contain contaminant human RNA
Injecting the viral RNA wont work because natural RNA is incredibly fragile and degrades rapidly. Thats why the vaccines encapsulate it in lipids and use pseudouridine instead of uracil. Besides, before vaccines we had COVID so when exactly were these people being injected?
Dr Bailey is great, but there is definitely a patented bioweapon computer generated gene sequence that is transmitting in airborne particules or sweat. I think it was stuck on a virus in order to get the already planned jabs Emergency Approved, and the jabs are the worse bioweapon.
Exosomes seem to be what the word to use is. S1 spreads by exosomes. Like pheromones, they are an intra body and between bodies communication system. There needs to be surface marker matches for the uptake to occur, so it is specific communication.
It is called "passive vaccination" in earlier animal research. It worked. Ethically was said to not be for humans, goal cause infertility in an unwanted animal population. *It used the modified mRNA - I'm saying early research with this technology was for controlling fertility in unwanted animal populations. <<< It did say it would be unethical to use the "passive vaccination" technique on humans. It totally takes away Informed Consent.
That is an interesting theory.
I put any manmade chemical compounds, whether RNA /DNA based or not, in a separate category from any naturally-occurring RNA/DNA compounds that would otherwise naturally occur in animals.
COVID-19, whatever it is or isn't (perhaps a combination of many things), is clearly an intentionally created pandemic. To me, that means that if there are infections that have spread within the pandemic, that trying to apply theories of actual natural viruses to the pandemic may not be sufficient to describe the event(s).
The debate and test model proposal suggested by Bailey et al is a good starting point to understand true virology in general. As for "COVID-19", we are trying to describe a chem/bio warfare event (including the vaccines), mass media propaganda, and other unknown factors.
Bailey is not great. She is a grifting fraud.
"I think it was stuck on a virus"
but viruses don't exist if Bailey is great.
You are very, very mixed-up.
Great educational style. I've only watched a couple.
"I think it was stuck on an exosome that can enter cells with the chimeric spike protein as part of the sequence."
Whatever you like - something exists that is spreadable, and it is called exosomes here: Circulating Exosomes Are Strongly Involved in SARS-CoV-2 Infection,
Have they proven those exozomes are the cause of disease, and they are transmissible from person to person?
Or they are just dead cells debris which are similar between the sick people?
We would need to see the evidence.
Which evidence? What specifically?
Circulating Exosomes Are Strongly Involved in SARS-CoV-2 Infection,
Have they proven those exozomes are the cause of disease, and they are transmissible from person to person?
Or they are just dead cells debris which are similar between the sick people?