This is our justice system at work. The State of New York is complicit in the murder of this innocent girl and yet to get justice, one must petition the same State of New York. Proof there is no justice, at least here on earth.

Rebecca, may you and your loved ones find solace knowing that our Heavenly Father has the final say. 🙏🏻

The Final Judgment

31 “When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit on his glorious throne. 32 Before him will be gathered all the nations, and he will separate people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. 33 And he will place the sheep on his right, but the goats on the left. 34 Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. 35 For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, 36 I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’ 37 Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? 38 And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? 39 And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ 40 And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers,[a] you did it to me.’

41 “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42 For I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me no drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not welcome me, naked and you did not clothe me, sick and in prison and you did not visit me.’ 44 Then they also will answer, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not minister to you?’ 45 Then he will answer them, saying, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me.’ 46 And these will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.”Matthew 25:31-46

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The ever failing Justice system that's been failing for years has hit rock bottom. It's become the dysfunctional injustice system. Absolutely appalling. Where is the backbone of Justice? It seems to have crumbled into a pile of rubbish. Someone please take the trash out. It's time for revamping as criminals shouldn't get a free pass. What is the goal of the American justice system? Protecting the innocent, convicting criminals, and providing a fair justice process to help keep order across the country. In other words, it keeps our citizens safe. Where is the JUSTICE??? Has it become like the hospital system to just turn a blind eye or sweep serious crimes under the rug? As I think about what happened to Rebecca's daughter, Danielle, it sickens me. To think that there is blatant evidence of a crime contained within the medical record and to have fool proof evidence on an autopsy report that substantiates a Fentanyl overdose and no Legal team to take an interest, as well as, the District Attorney of Nassau County, NY will not open a criminal case when the evidence is clear of a criminal act of knowingly, willfully and intentionally overdosing a young woman held hostage on a ventilator in a hospital death chamber. Anyone to think that this is any less than a criminal act has few bricks short of a load and even possibly cerebral atrophy. It's time for someone out there in the Legal arena to stand up and do what's right. It's time to rein in the criminals and to get the JUSTICE that's deserved for Rebecca's precious child, Danielle.

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Thank you for writing the article about the tragic and painful killing of my only child, Danielle. She was not just my daughter; she once embodied the potential to be someone's child, sister, wife, or mother.

How many lives have been lost due to the actions of the doctors and nurses at Northwell Health Hospital? It's hard to fathom that the safest place could become a tragic site for profit at the cost of lives. To pay tribute to my daughter and contribute to saving lives, I have created this website. It aims to shed light on hospitals, doctors, and nurses who, regrettably, prioritize ending lives over saving them.

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I'm wondering through your tribulations have you tracked back to when these protocols were initiated and who made those decisions?

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I believe that these protocols were developed in Africa for Ebola, but that is speculation.

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UN and the world health organization who seem determined to wipe out western cultures. The recommendation for ventilators came from China to avoid 'aerosolizing the virus' and possibly infecting doctors and other health care workers. That's not how medical care works here, its supposed to be patient centered. We need to get out of these organizations, bug our legislators to get us out of these organizations and elect people who will get us out of these organizations. That being said, none of this could have happened and could continue to happen without the willingness of the frontline workers; doctors, nurses, ambulance personnel, police, security guards hired to stand armed in the doorway and prevent a nurse from getting to their patient, unions who wont speak up for their members in the case of vaccine mandates, did I leave anyone out?

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US covid-19 ventilation policy: made in China?


Mass ventilation formed a central plank of the USA’s planned response to the covid-19 ‘pandemic’. It was ‘built-in’ to the protocols, procedures and plans, from national to state level. Likewise, given the technological leadership exerted by the USA it would not be surprising that other countries, such as the NATO, EU and Five-eyes nations, would simply follow their lead.

It is therefore not too much of a stretch to assume that, in order to demonstrate the technological power of the party, that the CCP and China would adopt the same approach. In fact, evidence strongly suggests that the Chinese may have been following – rather than leading - US policy in this critical matter.

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Yes, many are involved, and protected like the NIH, NIAID, CDC etc...My focus is the killers that looked me in my in my eyes, while overdosing my child until she went into organ failure!!! They knew what they were doing would kill her and they continued !!!

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Every single person who had a hand in the process of Danielle’s death needs to be charged with murder. Every nurse that pushed this deadly drugs into her veins. Every Dr that wrote orders. Every administrator, chief medical officer that approved these protocols. All of them.

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I am doing all I can, I need everyone to help me in this fight please share the killing Danielle in Northwell Health Hospital Glen Cove NY.


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I will share!

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It’s beyond comprehension that hospitals and nursing homes got away with murder in full view of the world and nothing has happened to them. Britain knows that Hancock ordered more midazolam than was needed and went through a 2 year supply in less than one. And lots of nurses have come forward and have told what happened.

But remember that congress basically gave hospitals permission to kill patients with remdisiver and ventilators by paying them more to kill patients than to keep them alive. They knew that shutting down hospital’s regular money making procedures would cost them lots of money so this was a back door way to bail them out, IMO.

Look at how many nursing homes let Covid infected people be allowed in. This happened all over the world. No wonder they kept families from seeing their relatives.

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Hospital doctors and administrators noted there were shortages for these "sedatives" in April 2020 throughout the US medical system.

Combine this with the fact that hospital bed usage and ICU usage was at or near record lows during this time frame, it seems to indicate that substantial amounts of these drugs were given/forced to/onto patients who were already in those hospitals in early Spring 2020.

"Look at how many nursing homes let Covid infected people be allowed in."

In the US this was not what happened- it was nursing home patients that were being transferred to hospitals it appears- more federal money could be made there off of their deaths.

And "Covid" of course being a catch-all term for any respiratory illness (mis)diagnosed via bogus PCR amplification.

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Idk, I believe that the hospital ships sat empty in New York state while nursing home residents were transferred back to the homes still covid positive. This was under Cuomo

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"The bulk of the 6-week increase was in hospitals.

It's hard to believe this could have happened in real time, as presented by official data."




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Just read this while reasoned and articulate plea. I’m in Washington state and will follow your case, and all the cases around the country that are beginning to surface. Godspeed!

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Thank you. Please sign up for Rebecca's Substack here: https://substack.com/@rebeccacharles

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How many others?

How many were given similar protocols in NYC, and elsewhere, throughout Spring 2020?

Cuomo was wholly owned by the hospital industry- the Greater New York Hospital Association, the hospital and health-system trade group, is one of the most influential forces in New York politics.


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"Following the money" indeed. Thanks for the link. I've read some other articles from empirecenter that have shaped my opinion. https://www.empirecenter.org/publications/the-hospital-lobbyists-behind-cuomos-nursing-home-scandal/

"By early 2019, unknown to the public, New York’s Medicaid spending was running well over its ample budget. Rather than working with the Legislature to close the gap—which might have required cutting payments to hospitals—Mr. Cuomo papered things over by secretly delaying $1.7 billion in Medicaid payments into the next fiscal year. Although the delay threw the state’s new budget out of balance, the Cuomo administration didn’t disclose what happened until weeks later, by which time the maneuver had spawned a $4 billion deficit.

Mr. Cuomo put off truly confronting the mess until early 2020, when he delegated it to a Medicaid Redesign Team of state officials and industry representatives. To lead that panel, he turned to Northwell Health CEO Michael Dowling, a member of the hospital association’s board."

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There was a fairly lengthy article from early 2020 titled simply, "J'Accuse ", which was written by some blogger who went into the Cuomo/DeRosa Family/NY State Medical Association connections.

I have it somewhere but couldn't locate it with a quick search.

One of the things it spoke to was how Cuomo's 2018 campaign was in trouble and then magically a big, last second cash injection was put into Cuomo's campaign and was facilitated through the DeRosa family if I'm not mistaken. Melissa DeRosa would become Cuomo's chief advisor.

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Murdering patients has always been a "medical" practice. I think that might be why they were so easily directed to do so during the scamdemic. Well presented piece, thank you.

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That reality comes into clearer focus all the time.

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Doesn't it just Charles.

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No Amnesty

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If a doctor took a knife and went into their patient's hospital room and started stabbing the patient all over their body and thus the patient dies, then that is murder. It was done on purpose. The doctor knew they were going to end the life of the patient.

Giving lethal drugs, over oxidating patients, no food, no water, on purpose is still murder if done on purpose. After awhile the hospital workers knew they were murdering people and kept doing it. Murder is murder whether done by a knife or poisoning people etc...

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Keep at it Rebecca! I’m following and cheering for you. It’s kind of insulating that Donnelly suggests you get a lawyer and get money out of Danielle’s death…we all know that is certainly not your aim.

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Tragic. The hospitals are counting on people not knowing anything about health care to get away with it. Prove they are wrong. The jig is up.

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Will Donnelly admit she was wrong in what she did? We will see.

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