I always wondered why relatives had no access to the patients, but photographers and television crews, who did not have the patients' permission, could invade their privacy. The whole effort to produce images of the plndmc to set a stage literally screamed in your face. This had never happened before. Media with unlimited access to intensive care units, in no other real, major disasters ever before. One should be surprised at such a display. That's when any self-respecting person would start to prick up their ears.

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è stata un'ecatombe !!!!!!!!!!!!

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What has happened to humanity have we all not watched the Holocaust movie and see the same pattern to exterminate the innocent ! There are serious psychopaths running the world, and they will not stop until they kill all of us!

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high-flow oxygen's a killer

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“The first cases of “COVID” in Italy were tied directly to Wuhan, China, in a couple that returned from Wuhan to Italy on January 23, 2020.”

Nope, someone hospitalized with a mysterious lung disease in Bergamo in “September 2019” was called back in 2020 and was told by the doctors that was infected with the so called virus in 2019.

The person and relatives were also told not to talk about as it was a metter of “national security”


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"Mysterious lung disease." Like people don't have pneumonia all the time all over the world. I guess this super secret virus was lying in wait until the ventilator death program in Italy. I'll keep you around for entertainment value.

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There was definitely a wave of long-term respiratory illness that went along with inflammation of the nasal mucosa and pulmonary issues. Just because the virus story is a lie doesn't mean every healthcare worker in the world either lied or forgot what the flu was. We have to be more clever to understand what is going on around us. Simply saying "no" to things we can't quite grasp is the lazy way out.

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I am unvaxxed and was hospitalised with double pneumonia and hypoxia. I had no sign of cold or flu, but did have a hacking dry cough and a whole range of symptoms I had never had before in my relatively long life. There are three potentiality realistic variables in my case. There was the switching on of 5G around me (in 2022), and/or two days of the thickest chemtrails I have ever seen the two days before I collapsed and was ambulanced to hospital, and/or some form of non-intimate shedding. I am not the only unvaxxed person who has collapsed but we know that any theory that does not take us into account cannot be correct.

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I agree. There was the mysterious lung disease in early 2019 that 'they' said was because of vaping. And at the end of the year when lots of people got very sick with a 'new flu'. My friend was very sick with pneumonia and it took her a month to heal. Others say they were very sick, but the disease hadn’t been named yet.

I agree that hospital protocols killed a lot of people as did midazolam and other respiratory depressants across the world in nursing homes.

I read that China, Iran and Italy got a worse ‘virus' than other countries. Maybe it was a bio weapon? There was a scam yes, but not all of it was.

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Frequency modulation is the most plausible theory put forth.

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How many people do you think have been killed in the name of the "Flu" by the same methods of drugs and ventilators over the years?

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I wasn't aware this was just general commentary on ventilator use. I don't think nearly as many people die on vents as do COVID patients with high flow oxygen, drug cocktails and vents.

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Oh they definitely cranked the death rate way up for "COVID" with various methods as compared to flu, but I think the hospital death program has been in place in "flu season" for a long time, especially for the elderly. Cuomo made several comparisons to flu and COVID death rates, and even said at one point, "what does the flu normally do?"

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Flu shots are a killer!

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No wave…

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"Waves" have amplitude, duration, and frequency. The duration of the first spikes, or waves, in China, Italy, and New York are all the same. They increased the amplitude going forward from China to Italy then New York. It's just them increasing the variables that create death: Quantity PCR tests, % Positive PCR tests, % in ICUs, % Ventilated and Intubated. In each nation they increased the coefficient of the variables going forward.

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Well Charles, first of all let me thank you for your great articles, “this one I have not yet finish reading”, actually the person in question, which was at the time accompanied by relatives, was clearly told that mysterious sickness for which had to stay two weeks in the hospital and for which the doctors, at the time of the hospitalization could give a diagnose, was the so called “corona”, and yes mysterious because they had no clue what it was.

That is the reason why was called back in 2020 for further testing. Ho and yes, was also told that the hospital had kept samples from 2019, and that is how they supposedly found out about it.

Any how I know this as a fact as I personally know the person diagnosed.

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Whatever. All your mystery virus nonsense cannot disprove the simple fact that hospitals killed their patients in order to simulate a viral pandemic.

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Jul 27·edited Jul 27Liked by Charles Wright

Dude, I never disagreed with this fact.

I am saying that, beside getting sick from wearing the masks and from the swab “I have personal experience with the second one which was once broken inside my nostril”, people got sick with something, which in my opinion was aerosolized and sprayed around places worldwide.

“The fact that hospital protocols were designed to murdered people is as clear as water”.

Just so you understand on which side I stand. In rimes

Safe and effective, assassination. Eugenic nightmare, for the world’s nations,

Poison compounds, for vaccination. Vax for the fools, who trust those nations, guided by greed, and by deception.

Spreading the lies, misinformation, safe and effective, of safety and logic, obliteration.

Engineered scam, to frighten nations, poison to enslave, and domination.

Killing the world, for domination, poisoned vaccines, and radiations. Transhuman lies, for full deception, murderous protocols, extermination . Destroying rights, to subdue nations, killing the world, by unlawful protocols, and proclamations.

Fake science proves, its ill intention, media control, to blind the nations.

Of Genocide, the, normalization, conspiring for, world’s domination.

Time is to end, brutalization, killing the weak, and mass deception.

Time to raise up, end the deception, time is to purge, the WHO and its, United Nations.


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Jul 27Liked by Charles Wright

"If the PCR tests came back positive, medical professionals killed their patients with protocols, simple as that. They don’t think for themselves. They follow orders. Even if they observe deaths over and over from their “treatments,” they don’t care. If their jobs depend on killing, they kill."

There it is right there folks.

Two articles on Italy re: covid con:



A snippet from a comment I made today:

Most microbiological (virological) scientists are from the biotechnology industry, and will always have multiple conflicts of interest and therefore won't want be able to have honest, critical viewpoints or even be able see one in the first place.

However, most regular industry insiders will remain agnostic to all of what's happening, either out of choice or from lack of a critical awareness, and so will likely work to bolster the PCR and LFTs or any such biotech products.

Because of the science veneer of these technologies, and those proposing them; most clinicians become assuaged by the seemingly impressive performative aspects of these technologies and thereby become more convinced of their worth over and above their own diagnostic judgments.

They are also "required" via administrative diktats that come from on high to "follow the rules" as prescribed by those who initiate use of these tests and then mandate deadly protocols based on said fraudulent results of the tests.


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Why do you think organized religions cooperated, such as the Catholic Church? Closing down churches for 2 years meant no $$$.

Why did they get out of the scamdemic?

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US Government coerced leaders of faith to push COVID-19 vaccines on Americans


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This is a great find! Thanks Allen.

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Governments immediately passed bailouts for big businesses. Here it was called the CARES act worth $5 trillion and companies could get a loan that they never paid back. Airlines especially even thought those big businesses had spent the last decade buying back their stock. It was the biggest transfer of wealth in history. Mom and pop stores went bankrupt while Amazon, Walmart and others got to stay open.

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Organized religion has long been a tremendous form of social control and 'the flock", no matter the religion, tend to be frighteningly obedient and will in almost all circumstances bow to the "higher" authority no matter the situation or issue of the day.

For but one example on the money angle:

Here’s a maddening pandemic fact: Catholic dioceses in the U.S. and other institutions backed by the Roman Catholic Church took more than $3 billion in taxpayer-funded government aid as part of the Paycheck Protection Program, according to an investigation by the Associated Press. That appears to make the Catholic Church the single largest beneficiary of the emergency aid program. While availing upon taxpayer-funded payments, designed to keep small businesses afloat and employees in their jobs during economic shutdowns, the AP reports the Catholic Church was sitting on $10 billion in cash, short-term investments, and other available funds.

The financial statements of 112 dioceses showed that they—along with the churches and schools they operate—collected at least $1.5 billion in PPP funds, even though, the AP reports, most of those dioceses had enough cash reserves to operate for six months with no revenue coming in at all. The fact that the market quickly recovered—and then grew—meant that many of the dioceses relying on investment vehicles likely made money on the pandemic.



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Catholic Church loved the idea of covid distraction and lockdows because of the child abuse scandal and payouts. There were so many cases brought up around 2017-19 some insiders thought the Church was going to crumble....

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Quite the put together Charles.

No surprise to me that Johns Hopkins, the center for American facism would scrub their site. As I said to others, they also scrubbed any references to their steering committee at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Center for Health Security. These are new religionists posing as Gods. Where individuals must in the name of public health emergencies of their pushing be removed of informed consent. Where public health is mobilized into a free for all military expansion. Where nationalism calls for Operation Warp Speed and flim flamed woke change culture and illegal unconstitutional undeclared wars. Where Representative democracy is sold to the highest bidders both from here and abroad. Where myths are promoted like MAGA or Build Back Better. Where leaders are blowhards spending a nation into oblivion. Where depopulation is our eugenics guide to new spiritual rebirth. Where schooling goes totally in the hands of the state with restrictions on questioning and discernment like for having a respect for precautionary principle. Where a call to a 1984 is made where we would always be at war with (fill in the blank here).

Again Charles thanks for this post. And reminding all again that Wuhan, Winthrop, and the 1918 Cunningham all saved patients with HBOT. Only our public health schools decided to use democracy and academia to falsify science. They then would use political belief and pronouncements held up as a false religion for the masses. Believe and you won't be hospitalized, believe and you won't transmit your illness and believe you won't die.

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I looked for it in the wayback machine too. Couldn't find it. It must have had some information that could be used against Johns Hopkins. Clearly Johns Hopkins was deeply involved in planning the ventilator death event with all their statistics, projections, and necessary logicists to pull this much murder off and fake that it was a virus.

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