So Trump signs the care plan, which incentivized hospitals to push the death drug.

Hospital admins threaten their docs to follow protocol or lose their job and license. Said Dr. admins protocol. And now will get murder charge and jail or death penalty. Did I sum this up correctly? Make no mistake that Dr, needs to lose his license. But how about we target the source of the problem and not the symptom? The DOD is behind this. The Fed is behind this. DARPA is behind this. Pharma is behind this. But sure it’s easier to go after the little guy.

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They ALL need to be gone after! But especially the doctor! HE was the one who wrote the order. What he did is especially egregious and unconscionable because his FIRST responsibility is to his patient. "First, do no harm"! Execute him! He is a snivelling COWARD with no conscience, and an evil moron at that! He should have quit his job before committing such a heinous act! But first he should have given the hospital administrator a good dressing down!

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This goes on, across America in all states.

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My mother walked into a hospital after a fall. They killed her with Remdesivir and vents

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I'm very sorry about your mother. For what it's worth, can go to Dr. David Martin's website prosecutenow.io & scroll to bottom for contact form. My understanding is you'll receive a callback to collect information & see if the AG or Sheriff in your state or county is willing to pursue charges against the offending medical "professionals" or hospital.

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Thanks. I'm registered for his newsletter. However, I can't get to his website as MalwareBytes blocks it. I'm not sure why.

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I use the Brave browser (orange lion) bc they don't track websites visited nor do they block websites like Google & some others do. You could download Brave app. Here's the link to Dr. Martin's site in case you find helpful.


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I'm using Brave. It isn't the browser that is blocking it. It is my malware program

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Oh, I see. Sorry for being so dense. The mailing address for prosecutenow.io is:

90 West 500 South, #411

Bountiful, UT 84010

Their email address is:


Maybe one of those 2 options will allow you to reach out to them. Good luck!

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I'm so sad when I hear the stories of these losses. They murdered my son with Remdesivir and ventilator. He was 44 and father of two. Each day I come closer to having a conversation with law enforcement about bringing charges. Need to see how these cases fare.

Hope you find comfort Jjule.

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I hope you're able to one day find justice for your son. Dr. David Martin has website to collect information for potential litigation against the murderers who've used remdesivir. Can go to prosecutenow.io, scroll to bottom for contact form. AG's & Sheriffs in some states willing to prosecute. My heart is very heavy for your loss & the loss of others' loved ones as well. I'm afraid we're going to discover the killing has been much more widespread than any of us could imagine. God Bless!

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Murdered my brother in Oregon with Remdesivir.

He walked into the ER.

Had pneumonia.

They did not treat the pneumonia, but immediately vented and Remdesivir him.

Kidney failure, called it Covid. Dead 4 days later

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I am so sorry for your loss. When I try to tell people that they were murdering people in hospitals and nursing homes, I get looks of disbelief (as if hospitals don't regularly kill 250,000 people a year). I had a co-worker who supposedly got "Covid" (she said it just seemed like the flu), but when she told me that she would have to take off work (per "protocols"), I didn't know her father was also hospitalized with "Covid". When I found out a week later that he was in the hospital, he was already in kidney failure and I knew what had happened. I just remember her one comment to me was "I don't understand why they don't treat his symptoms (kidney failure, etc.)." I did tell her that the kidney failure was likely due to them giving him Remdesivir and that if that was the case, she needed to get them to stop immediately. They may have vented him, but I am not sure. All I know is that he died a few days later. By the way, she even had relatives that were nurses at that hospital that were feeding her information (this was in Sept. 2021) and they still could not prevent it. She was, of course, devastated. If I would have known in time, I think I could have helped her family prevent this from happening (as my wife did for a friend).

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My brothers daughter in law family, big deal Drs in NY. Said this was the protocol to use.

Of course, me not being a Dr wasn’t listened to. Even though I had documented facts.

By 3/21 it was well known, Remdesivir and Vents were killing people, not Covid.

Yet, like your co worker, questions to authority is beyond them.

I have friends that, trust their dr.

Even though, as we know, zero GP study vaccines. Only get paid by the shot.

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Please accept my condolences about the loss of your brother. I'm sure, like so many others, his death was completely preventable & totally unnecessary. Sadly, the hospitals have become killing fields. I doubt the AG or many sheriffs in Oregon are willing to prosecute offending doctors or hospitals who've brandished this lethal weapon called remdesivir, but to find out for sure you can enter your information on prosecutenow.io by scrolling to bottom for contact form. I believe you'll be called to obtain information regarding your brother's situation & be advised as to whether pursuing litigation in your state is realistic at this point in time. I pray that eventually all the perpetrators of this mass murder campaign will be brought to justice in all states, sooner rather than later. God Bless you!

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Thank you!!!

We will.

That is beyond kind of you to take the time to post this information.

God bless you and yours 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼💜

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It hurts my heart to hear stories like yours. :( I am so sorry for the loss of your brother. Praying true justice comes for those killers hiding out in hospitals.

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