Being Italian I learned not to trust the government very early. And when the fearmongering started I recognised the pattern: scaring people so much that they will not be able of critical thinking.

I lost friends because I tried to share my idea to them. And I was not able to stop them from being poisoned with the jabs. 😭

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late spring summer of 2022 i began to question everything.

i began researching venom and learned many things:

all 'covid' and their 'injections' create symptoms identical to those ascribed to 'covid.'

venom has been studied by the cia since the 1950s(?).

cia successfully tested envenomation of the fbi building in the late 60s early 70s.

cia created an envenomation assassination pistol that creates a heart attack in the target and the cause of it is unlikely to be discovered unless someone knows what to look for and thinks of looking for it.

etymology of 'virus' - from Latin virus - “poison, slime, ** venom **.

covid spread was by administrative boundaries, not airborne patterns — yeadon and jj couey.

all vaccines have elements of venom in them - mikovits.

nicotine, the most powerful cure for envenomation, has been vilified for years.

during the height of the plandemic huge anti-smoking campaigns were announced around the world after french doctors discovered that smokers weren't getting sick with a respiratory 'viral' infection.

biden signed a bill(?) requiring tobacco to be nicotine free by 2025(?)

nicotine-based vaping products were subjected to a co-ordinated scare campaign and taken off the market.

chlorine in water neutralizes venom; hydroxochloroquine is a chlorine rich compound.

ivermectin is the second strongest agent to clear the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, after nicotine.

all cells have nicotinic acetylcholine receptors and all vegetables contain nicotine.

despite great efforts, the 'official' scientific papers on the addictive nature of nicotine contradict that - nicotine is not addictive at all. the additives to tobacco are the addictive agents, with sugar being likely one of the strongest. (without an acidic balancing agent, tobacco is too alkaline to be inhaled: sugar is the go to acid agent to balance that alkalinity.)

venom is a cleaving agent in gene cutting and manipulation and readily available on line.

remdesivir is venom.

venom compounds have been isolated in some of the mrna injections.

venom compounds have been found and documented in blood samples of injectees of mrna 'stuff'.

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I am enjoying your writing but I seem to have either missed something or overlooked it. For clarity, what is being proposed here as the culprit for causing many to die who were not vaccinated? Thanks

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Thanks for this. I have huge respect for Mike Yeadon, though I suspect that he demonstrates a tendency I embrace somewhat too enthusiastically myself: that when I discover an alternative explanation for something - particularly if it runs counter to an establishment narrative since I’ve never trusted the establishment - I can become a tub-thumper for that explanation and dismiss rational counters to my new found ‘knowledge’. However, despite Mike, Sam Bailey and many other splendid rebels I find dismissing the virus explanation a touch unconvincing. When I acquired what was called the ‘norovirus’ (vomiting bug) about twenty years ago nearly everyone I knew was afflicted by it and it was pretty dramatic symptom-wise. It was a ten day puke-and-crap-water fest. What explanation if not a virus? I’m also completely unconvinced about Robert O Young’s theories despite me being an enthusiastic advocate of homoeopathy and being very suspicious about the whole vaccine culture.

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He grew a conscience and then was attacked on all fronts.

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Viruses and bacteria do exist. Sooner or later, we all catch a cold or a flu or get the shits. We also vomit. These are all signs of a healthy immune system. There is, however, a lot of greed and fraud inside the system. Your best option always is to stay healthy.

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I'm open to the concept of a virus. If they exist, I don't beleive their nature and functions in our bodies have been defined properly. For instance, in this 1984 paper, mice with and without "ouse mammary tumor virus" were selectively bred to create cancer. The ones with the "virus" were resistant to cancer. https://charleswright1.substack.com/p/hyperplastic-and-neoplastic-changes Do you have any thoughts?

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Please explain to me the "virology is a scam idea". I have two kids and a nurse wife (unjabbed of course) and we have all gotten sick one after another when one person gets sick.

How does that work without a virus being present? My eyes are wide open about vaccines being a scam and dangerous, but the "viruses dont exist" just seems like an Op to make people who dont accept the approved narratives, look like idiot flat earthers.

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Agreed. Having had this discussion with those who believe the same, the best I understand is that it's "something else", or detox reaction and the subsequent exosomes released by cellular death? Not sure I got that right.

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Money exists, therefore financial scams are impossible. If I get 10 likes I will write an article about logical fallacies.

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Let's start with this video. Let's write a summary of how the SARS2 sequence was created by computer s. What genetic materials were used? What genetic materials were excluded? What computer programs were used? https://open.substack.com/pub/drsambailey/p/a-farewell-to-virology-part-two-dr?r=12gia8&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post

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Legit query.

I suspect that this dilemma is going to melt anyone who is not 100% genuinely curious and not looking for off ramps of simplicity down into goo.

Trying to sort out infectiousness and how it seems to happen some of the time to some of the people but not all of the time to all of the people...I suspect....will require massive ability to think outside the binary boxes which are presented to us.

I think of several potential explanations, but every time I brainstorm, the sheer fanatical rigidity of

1. Extrapolating from personal experience, salience bias...and/or

2. Relentless pressure to adopt one of two approaches...seemingly selected for you by ???

Presents with amazing swift force. You gonna see it on this board.

People do NOT like not knowing the mysteries of the human body when they thought they did.

This concept of Dangerous Germs is most definitely part of the Belief in things Unseen Op to weaponize fear.

Right now, right now, know a person who is very ill with...Covid? Spouse is not ill at all.

Both unshot up both breathing all that same air, etc.

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Ok so in your anecdote, having one person sick, while the other person is currently not sick, could mean non-sick person has better immune system or not enough time has passed.....took me 8 days to feel like shit after wife came home with a fun "virus" in Jan 2020......took about same amount of time 2.5 yrs later with whatever that was.

So if viruses dont exist, where does all the money for biological weapon Wuhan funtime funding go to exactly? Me thinks this terrain idea is veering us off in the wrong direction. Germs can be real AND can be used for Fear.

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The viruses may exist.

And still may not have the ability to spread the world as described. And be lethal to all and spread.

The money goes to perpetuating a fear based model which will be useful to create "countermeasures."

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Maybe I am the 1 in a billion guy here with the neighbor-went-to-Wuhan anecdote......maybe they can spread around the world because people DO travel around the world......clearly it was not lethal to everyone and some with strong/well adapted immune systems barely even noticed it..old people got sick and they went straight to zee Death Protocols. Excess deaths didnt really start rising until the "counter measures" were deployed. Virus is real.....danger was hyped, old and fat people were first to go (as usual). People are dropping like flies everywhere and scientists are baffled! People are still driving masked up alone in their cars......primed for the next round of fear and control.

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One thing I do know:

If people take their own experience or select from their own Anointed Science Thought Leader and are highly motivated to see or not see, they will not move no matter what anomalies present.

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It is in that second paragraph that you are perhaps being funneled into a binary (EITHER/OR) logic that this whole divisive proxy logic descends into repeatedly?

1. Thinking outside the paradigms: Is it possible that viruses do exist. Or something that is termed a virus?

2. And that this entity can exist and have been infectious and caused symptoms in some and not others depending on immune systems or "terrains" or (insert magic word here).

3. And that that this entity could possibly not have existed as described to us all, as a novel coronavirus that ran this Operation?

i.e. A square is always a rectangle, but a rectangle is not always a square.

That is just the entry level logician approach, but it simple does not go over well, because again...people overestimate their own understandings and their own salient experiences.

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I'm curious about chicken pox parties and how often they actually worked...

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Back in the 90’s I took both of my kids to a CPP and both promptly got chicken pox.

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I am with you in the "logical approach" but have yet to find someone providing a plausible explanation for our own experiences.....questions are not answers oddly haha.

My neighbor who sells airplanes spent time in Wuhan in Oct/Nov '19 and entire family came back sick as dogs to NC. They came back with something.

It seems to me those out there who want to Cull us, could most certainly just cook up a virus in a lab (all these labs out there, studying non-existent things because Rockefellers?) And spread it around the world vs use some completely different cool technology, that we dont even know about......some movie reference buried deep in there.

Obviously, #birdsarentreal

.....but now germs?

Hey, maybe this whole viruses dont exist thing was spun into existence by people who want us off the track and arguing about dumb shit?

Anyways, enjoy the Stack.

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You believe what you perceive, but honestly, not once whilst growing up did anyone in my family spread their illness. There was never more than one person sick at a time and it was not preceded by someone else being sick nor did anyone follow their sickness. I've heard about families like yours and, since no illness is physically contagious, I chalk it up to a strong belief that illnesses are contagious. Y'all get sick one after the other because you either believe you will or you fear you will.

There are no viruses whatsoever. Nature would not have been that cruel. Can you cite an example within Nature where an alleged creature ONE MILLION TIMES SMALLER than a human actually attacks and conquers a creature ONE MILLION TIMES BIGGER than it? Ask Google if viruses are one million times smaller than a human.

Find any published scientific paper that claims to have discovered a “virus” and go directly to the section marked METHODOLOGY. Read it. Does it fulfill Koch’s Postulates? Does it use humans or petri dishes? Does it describe removal of a virus from a sick person and given to a healthy person who then became ill with the expected symptoms? Or does it merely describe the death of some living cells in a petri dish?

If you wanted to find out if any sickness was contagious, wouldn’t you expose a large group of healthy volunteers to sick people to see what happens? Wouldn’t your methods be natural rather than artificial? Wouldn’t you attempt to facilitate so-called natural transmission? Or would you cram tubes into lungs and spray them with petri dish gunk? Or would you INJECT people with petri dish gunk? How is intubation or injection NATURAL? Is that how illness is spread NATURALLY? Wouldn’t you attempt to mimic natural conditions & transmission?

No illness or disease has ever been proven to be contagious. Sickness is a personal & subjective condition. There can be many different causes but none of them include viruses or bacteria. Learn the Gold Standard for proof and then examine the virus papers and their Methodology section. It’s all there in black & white. Virology is a pseudoscience.

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More word salad. Sorry. Example, local restaurant had a sick employee who spread norovirus to 260 customers....none of them believed they were going to get sick yet it happened.

Imagine a world of electron microscope operators who are in on the con job....

You have countered the idea of virology with "my family appears to get contagious viruses because we believe it to be so" and made my point.

Nature is not cruel....it is indifferent.

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The Scorpions are very good at seeding distrust, they know how to engineer social movements and Color Revolutions.

Any good faith, even intellectual disagreement of reality, which in theory Science is designed to solve...can be weaponized.

There are many anomalies that do not make sense when one attempts to understand illness and disease.

And "Science would be falsified", said the Day Tapes. And we just watched it with Covid on a massive scale, IMO.

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"The only “virus” there was was whatever they put in the needles" 💯🎯

If you know that it was all about a needle in every arm, then what has gone on over the last three years makes perfect sense, otherwise it seems like random madness.

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You’ll want to read “Dissolving Illusions” and “Crooked”

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Dissolving Illusions is revelatory. A good summary video of the book and all the graphs in it can be found at the website, dissolvingillusions.com

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Just ordered "Dissolving Illusions." You're the second who mentioned it.

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Suzanne Humphries' path to awakening is also very interesting!

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interesting interview with (co-) author of Dissolving Illusions who actually started the research that led to the book:


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Charles- Being into Natural Health and natural immunity , I too was looking to Nature, and leaning on Nature's God for help!

Following Alex Jones at the time was quite helpful. What got my attention was hearing of Zev Zelenmo and his warning the Trumpster about Hydroxychloriquine. (I was buying cases of tonic water!) The Donald did the best that he could IMO under the circumstances (swamped in, surrounded)

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Figured out the vax scam about 15 years ago with Dr Suzanne Humphries book “Dissolving Illusions” Now it seems these disgusting “public health” anti-human policies have been in place for much longer than I thought.

So appreciate Dr. Yeadon!

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I've never understood virology well enough to know what aspects of it (or the entirety) of it being false practically means.

That said, I agree that pandemics (as people understand them) are effectively impossible


I've noticed people have been slow to take the depopulation angle seriously, but all I think it takes is zooming out a little. So many other factors are all pointing in the same top-down anti-human direction. Not only this, but if one thinks in terms of decades and centuries instead of months and years, it's outright staggering.

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As I've written, the second-most powerful force in the universe is someone who changes their mind. The most powerful, that I call The Epiphany Jumpstart, is two people asking the same question who care more about the answer than their egos. Glad to see you have both of these forces going for you! And thanks for opening this to comments so I can also express my praise and gratitude for previous posts.

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References are usually used for supporting claims. We may become our own idols.

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Another thing from that 50s/60s era...In our small town, a village as it was termed...in Summer, to kill mosquitos, the village used to drive a truck around in the evenings spraying some kind of poison around and kids (including my husband) used to ride their bikes around behind the truck which exposed them to the spray/poison. How horrible.

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Yes, I remember those trucks. Yuck.

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I really got into Dr. ROBERT YOUNG and bought his great medical "encyclopedia" Sick and Tired.

I take sodium bicarbonate regularly and monitor my ph. No more doctors.

Dr. SIRCUS is also a big promoter of baking soda. Body eliminates all toxins with a balanced ph.

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Dec 19, 2023
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Feeling unloved?

Maybe a pet gerbil might be your friend.

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He won't be back.

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