In March of 2024, Professor Anita Baxas of the University of Basel, Switzerland, published a interesting and groundbreaking article on the role of bacterial plasmids in cancer. Founded in 1460, the University of Basel is the oldest university in Switzerland and isone of the oldest surviving universities in the world.
Baxas explains that bacterial plasmids can switch on and off genes that control cell division.
These genes, such as P53, are frequently described as “tumor suppressing” genes. An antigen in bacterial plasmids can bind to these genes which stops them from functioning properly:
Baxas: “The claimed mechanism is that SV40 inhibits certain genes that are supposed to suppress tumor growth. They are tumor suppressor genes such as p53 and others10. The reason is that the virus wants the cell to replicate the virus and thus needs to stop processes that would inhibit this. This is attributed to a T-Antigen that binds to these suppressor genes and thus stops their suppressing function of cell division11..
What is a T-Antigen? It’s simply a genetic sequence among the DNA strand attributed to SV40 that codes for a protein that seems to bind to tumor suppressor genes. The T Antigen of SV40 seems to bind preferably to L-1 DNA in human cells. These are also called jumping genes that use a copy - paste mechanism to propagate themselves throughout the genome. L-1 is active in the germ line during the formation of an embryo. In cancer growth they are erroneously activated and may cause instability in the genome, a hallmark for the emergence of uncontrolled cell division aka cancer12.”
Baxas further reports that SV40, Simian Virus #40 is likely not a virus, but rather a bacterial plasmid, based on the circular DNA of SV40. SV40 was included in Joseph Salk’s polio vaccine and Pfizer’s mRNA COVID vaccine.
Baxas: “The DNA of the claimed SV40 is circular like a plasmid. Plasmids are circular DNA molecules outside of the chromosome. They are often constructed and inserted into E. Coli bacteria or cell cultures in order to have them produce a specific protein. Now we could become a little paranoid and think that maybe for nefarious reasons, plasmids were made and inserted into either the Vero cell cultures used to create vaccines or directly into ‘vaccines’, particularly more recent ones, to purposefully create an epidemic of cancer.” …
Circular DNA of SV40
Baxas made a fascinating comparison of a tumor to a fetus- the first time I’ve heard this comparison made. This comparison makes sense on a cellular level when you think about it. As a fetus grows, the “tumor suppressing” (cell division) genes are “switched off” within it.
Baxas: “Now what is a tumor? It basically is the proliferation of cells by mitosis (cell division). This is what happens when a fetus grows during pregnancy for example. During this time, these tumor suppressor genes aren’t active, or cells couldn’t divide and the fetus couldn’t develop and grow.” …
“The term tumor suppressor gene is a bit misleading. It’s simply a gene that serves to inhibit cell division when it is appropriate to do so. During fetal tissue growth such inhibition is not appropriate as the fetus grows by cell division.”
Aside: I don’t know how authentic this image is, but supposedly it is an image of actual plasmids as seen through an electron microscope. The black arrows point to plasmids. The plasmids are not round, but are a circular loop.
These are typical illustrations of bacterial plasmids:
On a further note, based on my research, I believe that Peyton Rous, who won a Nobel Prize in 1966 for identifying a “virus” that “excited” cancer cells, was actually using bacterial plasmids, and knew it.
Baxas further reported the similarity between tumors and cancer in that they both attach to tissue and form their own blood supply.
This section in the article of Baxas on the comparison of a fetus to a tumor was part of an analysis of the effects of positive and negative electrical charges on cells- a topic I will not broach in this article. It is of course a topic very worthy of further research given the amount of electromagnetic radiation that mankind is today constantly bombarded with through 5G and other devices. The International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) says that there is nothing to worry about, however. (Who in this age would trust an organization with a name like International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection?)
Baxas: “Dr. Tennant built on this information and discovered that cancer cells and placental cells in pregnant women basically react the same way. Both invade other tissues and organize their own blood supply through angiogenesis. Microscopically placental cells and cancer cells look alike, and both secrete chorionic gonadotrophic hormone. So, cancer is nothing more than the body making a placenta in the wrong place and at the wrong time.”
The image below is from Pregnancy and Tumour: The Parallels and Differences in Regulatory T Cells, published in Frontiers in Immunology, April 2022. Although I don’t know how accurate the authors “mechanisms of action” are, it is noteworthy at least that the authors discussed the parallel between tumors and fetuses, showing that Baxas is not the only medical professional to make the comparison.
Moving forward, everyone wants to know what the “cure” is. I first proposed that tumors and bacteria formed a “symbiotic relationship” in January 2023, and that targeting the bacteria (which produce bacterial plasmids) with antibiotics seems to explain the mechanism of action of compounds like Ivermectin, Lactoferrin, and Fenbendazole in fighing cancer. All subsequent research I have done supports my initial article. If I ever find something to the contrary, I will report it to you.
Subsequently, Ivermectin has been criticized for its effects on fertilty in humans. Antibiotics are generally considered unsafe during pregnancy or while trying to conceive. If an antibiotic can kill parasites and bacteria in humans, antibiotics likely have a detrimental effect on sperm, eggs, and fetuses.
Unlike others, I will not report “cures” without also mentioning known side effects if I know of them. I question now if all antibiotics (described more frequently as antivirals) also have negative effects on fertility. These anti-fertility effects are likely more pronounced and worrisome when natural antibiotic herbs are reduced to harsh chemical compounds. Two of the oldest and most widely used antibiotics (anti-cancers) in the history of the world are cinchona bark and Artemisia annua. Cinchona is reduced to hydroxychloroquine, and Artemisia annua is reduced to artemisinin. Although those two compounds were derived from natural substances, they are quite dissimilar from nature with in their chemical, laboratory-produced derivatives.
Ivermectin comes directely from bacteria. Given the emerging role of bacterial plasmids in cancer, I am more concerned about Ivermectin than I am about plants as to their effects on cancer. Some say the use of Ivermectin leads to DNA damage, which may increase cancer in the long run. I do not know. My “go to” is still whole leaf, dried Artemisia annua (wormwood), taken occassionally in capsule form with a meal as a dietary supplement. I have never taken Ivermectin. I have far more confidence in true Mother Nature in the form of an actual plant leaf than I do in any chemical compound produced by man in a lab.
Although some cancers clearly require fast intervention to save the live of the affected person, necessitating the use of strong antibiotics in higher doses in the short-run, the best long-term solution to fighting and preventing cancer is to exercise and eliminate all processed foods, chemical additives, and pharmaceutical products in your diet and consume only natural, true foods that our bodies have evolved with to use in order to maintain balance and health.
The quantity of natural herbs that have antibiotic and anticancer effects are countless. Again, it bears repeating, the term “Medicine” is a Greek term, not practiced in modern times by the regulatory/corporate alliance which promotes “chemotherapy” and “gene therapy” that lead to greatly increased disease over time.
“Medi” = medium; “cine” = heat, a proper balance of which was achieved by Hippocrates and Asclepius before him through the use of natural herbs. True Medicine was never discredited by the pharmaceutical/regulatory alliance. They only claimed that the use of natural herbs was “unscientific.” The pharmaceutical/regulatory alliance controls clinical trials, and will never prove the obvious truth that herbs are Medicine. How did mankind live, prosper, and multipy until 1900 or so without pharmaceutical corporations and regulatory agencies, one might wonder.
I strongly suggest to reverse the underlying cause of your diseases, which is your diet, instead of treating the symptoms which will inevitably and continuously arise through improper, disease-creating diet and pharmeceutical products.
I wish I could comment more on the genetic aspects of cancer, which has been intentionally encoded into DNA over time, including our offspring, and whether natural foods can reverse this. In any case I believe that flooding the body with natural, healthy foods over time, allowing the human race to repair our DNA from our own nature and other nature we evolved to use, is the most likely solution, if there is one.
I am opposed to the likes of Dr. Peter McCullough who proposes to fight mRNA with siRNA in the endless pharmaceutical/regulatory chain-letter scam of treating one disease symptom after another with yet another disease-producting compound, ultimately encoding disease into our DNA over time.
Charles Wright
"...the endless pharmaceutical/regulatory chain-letter scam of treating one disease symptom after another with yet another disease-producting compound..."
Perfect analogy for us folks of a certain age. Are chain letters really still a thing?
This is where the conversation needs to be now, since we’ve figured out what and why it has been happening to us in the first place. Thank you for this article.