Yesterday evening I was joined by Richard Hirschmann, Sayini (DrSDRK) and others where we discussed the blood clot issues resulting from COVID vaccinations. This is a notes sections from that Space.
The idea that the clots could be a result of LAL or a similar substance in the vaccines didn’t get much traction. Sayini said that was not a listed ingredient in the vaccines. I asked if it was possible that some was included in the vaccines for testing purposes of the production equipment or vials, and we don’t know. So that didn’t go far.
I should also mention that Sayini raised an issue of antibodies and blood clots which I did not understand. I need research that further. But perhaps antibodies play a role.
I asked if it were possible to take some of the clots and put them in a solution of Iveremctin. Mr. Hirschmann seemed agreeable to this. He reported that he had been asked several times to put the clots in various solutions to see if they would dissolve. Turpentine and alcohol would not dissolve them. The only thing he had found that would dissolve them so far was sea salt.
I remarked that that was interesting because a man named Dr. Robert Young has long advocated for people to stop consuming as much acidic foods and consume more alkaline ones. He has said that acidic blood causes all sorts of problems, including cancer, which can be lessened by changing to a more alkaline diet.
I still question whether the clots contain bacteria. Even after raising this issue to the scientific community for years, Mr. Hischmann didn’t know. It seems consistent that sea salt would dissolve clots that contain bacteria because sea salt is an antibiotic. So it will be interesting to see what happens to the clots in the presence of Ivermectin. I recall that I had seen an MD post a study that showed that Ivermectin was beneficial for vaccine-induced blood clots, but I can no longer find that study.
Interestingly, some believed that graphene oxide in the vaccines could be the cause of the mysterious blood clots. Mr. Hirschmann reported that someone had asked him to conduct tests related to the ability of the clots to conduct electricity. Graphene is one of, if not the greatest, conductors of elecricity known to man.
We can’t rule anything out this point. In my opinin, the issue of whether or not the vaccines contain graphene has never been settled. I have written some things on it. Almost certainly, graphene was used by Elon Musk’s Tesla Grohmann and CureVac.
Earlier, I had postulated that differences in quantities of graphene could explain the differening rates of myocarditis between Moderna and Pfizer vaccines in Japan.
So I am open to the possibilityt that the vaccines contain graphene. No one has proven me wrong. No one has even bothered to “Fact Check” me or even discuss it.
I also asked Mr. Hirschmann if kidney dialysis centers had noticed any difference in the blood between patients who were vaccinated and unvaccinated. He said that yes, as a matter of fact, that vaccinated blood was clogging up their filters in some cases, and it looked like the same type of substance which you can see in Lyndsey House’s blood.
So the Space was somewhat productive. We do know that some of this substance can be removed by dialysis, and we know it reacts to salt. And perhaps we will find out more about how it reacts to electricity and Ivermectin. That’s the end of the summary.
Charles Wright
Sayini said something similar yesterday about antibodies. I didn’t quite understand it. I should have mentioned it in the notes. I will read your links. Thank you.
Interesting. Dr.Lee is back on and thinks that the clots are due to antibodies
But who knows. Why not try to dissolve the clots using clorine dioxide (MMS). The byproduct is plain salt.
I am on this protocol prophylactically due to a tick bite with no adverse reactions to the protocol. I know people who felt awful, probably due to high level of toxins in their bodies.