This graphene story has been going on for over two years and I still don't know why scientists are all over the place with their theories. We also have a growing number of people saying all kinds of injectable medications are contaminated with nanotech. If this is 5th generation warfare, they really have a large number of people heavily committed to these topics for one reason or another.

Graphene is already in the air we breathe, which means it is imbedded in our lungs. Could the shots have anything to do with preexisting graphene contamination? If not, are we saying that the stories of graphene, MAC addresses, magnetism at injection sites, etc. is one massive global psyop? What are they hiding? Well, besides the fact the shots don't prevent illness and cause harm...

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I think this is the IVM study you were looking for. I dont have a great link, but this might work.

“IVM blocked HA when added to RBCs prior to spike protein and reversed HA when added afterwards.“


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“IVM blocked HA when added to RBCs prior to spike protein and reversed HA when added afterwards.” I’m not sure if this is the paper I remember but it certainly will suffice. Many thanks.

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One of my friends is a leading expert in Graphene and its derivatives


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So if graphene does not exist in any COVID vaccines, and it is all an effort to discredit honest and decent men who know everything, what are the magnetic particles in CureVac’s vaccines? What’s explains the stark difference in myocarditis rates in Japan between Pfizer and Moderna, amidst reports of black flakes in the Moderna vaccines? Help us understand.

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Pfizer killed more people that Moderna per million jabs


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Patents are a great place to learn facts.

CureVac used magnetic beads in their bioreactor.


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Thank you for your replies. I will look into this further and make a reply. May I ask what your PhD is in and from where you received it, so that I can give you proper credit?

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My PhD was in Organometallic Chemistry, having studied Biochemistry, Information Science, Physics, Pure and Applied Mathematics as an undergraduate and Chemistry for my Honours Degree.


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Sayini said something similar yesterday about antibodies. I didn’t quite understand it. I should have mentioned it in the notes. I will read your links. Thank you.

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Interesting. Dr.Lee is back on twitter.com and thinks that the clots are due to antibodies


But who knows. Why not try to dissolve the clots using clorine dioxide (MMS). The byproduct is plain salt. https://theuniversalantidote.com/the-universal-antidote-course/

I am on this protocol prophylactically due to a tick bite with no adverse reactions to the protocol. I know people who felt awful, probably due to high level of toxins in their bodies.

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