Peter McCullough Ignores the Obvious Again- that "COVID" Patients were Killed in Hospitals
I’m really perplexed why Dr. Peter McCullough is still regarded as some sort of “expert” on COVID that is worthy of many people paying him on Substack. What kind of “expert” won’t tell you the most obvious fact in the world about “COVID?”
What did he write yesterday? “Five Signs the COVID-19 Vaccine Campaign was Off the Rails from the Start.”
Vaccine promoters have said that when the COVID-19 vaccines were rolled out, over a thousand Americans were dying of acute COVID-19 illness per day. This is used like a war-time justification of desperate military counter-measures. But were there any signs in December 2020 or early in 2021 that the vaccine campaign was going wrong for the world?
And then he goes on to list 5 details, ignoring the elephant in the room.
At some point, people have to realize that you are also part of the problem. Many people pay this man. They don’t pay the ones who are telling the truth. And then you wonder what the problem is? Please cancel your paid subscriptions to Peter McCullough and pay those of us who are speaking the truth about one of the most important issues in the history of mankind- the COVID Hospitals Holocaust, which led to the Vaccine Holocaust.
You can sign up for a paid subscription here after you cancel your paid subscription to Peter McCullough.
New York changed the PCR test to get positive results to use as legal protection to commit mass murder in hospitals and nursing homes. Will Peter McCullough tell you that, even after I published this simple and important truth for free? Hell no, he won’t. Isn’t that a fact worthy of making any list that “the COVID-19 Vaccine Campaign was Off the Rails from the Start?”
Peter McCullough knows what happened, but he won’t say it.
Just recently, for instance, McCullough reported the first “bird flu” death in Louisiana following a series of articles prior to the Plandemic. McCullough actually noted, to his credit, that “We don’t know any details about what was ultimately the cause of death. Once somebody’s been in the hospital a month or two, there can be many, many complications in the hospital.”
Yeah, that’s an understatement Peter. Did you take the opportunity to tell the reporter that 80-90% of people on ventilators died during “COVID?” No you didn’t. You used it as an opportunity to sell a Gilead product.
How obvious does the truth about “Signs the COVID-19 Vaccine Campaign was Off the Rails from the Start” have to be, and why can’t you say it?
Michael Dowling, Northwell Health CEO:
Dr. Pierre Kory, Beth Israel Medical Center ICU Supervisor:
Pierre Kory killed his patients with ventilators. Ivermectin could counteract some problems created by the ventilators to a certain extent. It reduced mortality in hospitalized patients. He didn’t use it. McCullough won’t tell you that. All these hospital deaths are medical malpractice, manslaughter, and homicide. The baseline for death rate should be zero %. Numerous doctors had zero %. Kory should get no credit for lowering a death rate from 80-90% down to whatever, and there’s no data available on his kill rates anyway.
The truth sucks, people. Nobody really likes to hear it. But what’s really bothering me here, is people are more worried about the fact that they got duped by social media heroes than the fact that so many people were killed by hospitals. You’re so worried about the reputations of the “medical freedom” heroes, that you won’t call them out on their disinformation, and you even pay them for it.
This was mass murder, people. Wake up. If your favorite social media hero won’t tell you that, there’s something wrong with your hero, and you.
What was the actual cause of death of H5N1 patients by the way? What the hell do you think? It was ventilators and ARDS. I may as well tell you, because I didn’t get a single paid subscription to tell you the truth. I had the second half of this article paid, but I just made it free. Why not? People will not pay for truth. It’s just a fact from my perspective.
What are the odds that man in Louisiana was ventilated? McCullough didn’t take the time to mention to the reportere how many patients died on ventilators with COVID, or research and report the cause of death of H5N1 patients, also ventilators.
I’m losing paid subscriptions because I tell you the truth. Not one person paid to know the minor detail that the H5N1 patients were killed with ventilators. Several of these paid subscriptions in the chart below are comped, or the chart would look worse than this.
Of all the things going wrong in the world today, you want to know what the most scary thing is to me? It’s just how stupid and cheap people are when it comes to media consumption. If I lock something behind a paywall, you won’t read it. If I make it free, no one shares the truth on social media, no one challenges the liars like Kory, who still dominate media even if I tell the truth for free either. It really looks like we’re in a no-win situation here. You’re just so conditioned to support and pay for disinformation and not challenge your enemies.
Do me a favor, please. One small favor. If you’re a paid subscriber to McCullough, Kirsch, Malone, Kory, Nass, and not me, please unsubscribe. Go drink your Kool-Aid over there. None of them will tell you that patients were killed in hospitals to simulate the spread of a virus. And coincidentally they’re very large accounts.
I guess I need to apologize for telling you the truth again, but I think you need to hear it, even if it makes you mad, because that’s always how it works. I don’t know if there’s a solution to it or not.
Charles Wright
Did you read Dr. Kory’s post today? Interestingly, he speaks of “post Covid hospital phobia” but never mentions people being MURDERED by hospital protocols.(I had to read it after reading your article here.)And then of course if you want to read the whole article it’s behind a paywall.
I subscribe to a few truth tellers from before I discovered your Substack, Charles. I appreciate you and anyone speaking full truth, but for me I can’t afford to keep paying for more Substack authors. I have health issues and children with health issues that are draining our savings due to having to seek alternative care and pay out of pocket, as like others, I have lost faith in allopathic medicine.
And honestly, after 5 years of people trying their best to get justice by exposing lies and telling truths, I know whether or not I subscribe to anyone more, either we will see justice eventually or not. So, the best thing for me and my family is to not comply & speak truth to others.
God bless you, Charles and God bless us all!🙏♥️
Gosh, the parasites really do come to feed now. Leana Wen admitted she was wrong about masks and that they fucked up the pandemic. Now she's coming back with the same bullshit. These people need to get real jobs.