Many thanks. The main disease spreading was lies, damn lies and statistics!

Gain-of-function or gain-of-Fauci as I prefer is a fraud. An excuse for money laundering and creating toxic vaccines based on fraudulent germ/viral theory.

Whatever else happened in Wuhan respiratory disease comes primarily from air pollution there especially in winter.



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Notice the guards in the parking lot ….none of the three standing further than 6 feet away from each other. ……and no masks 😷 ( that don’t work ). Wonder how much their offshore accounts grew. 🤔 💭

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My aunt & uncle lived in the same home. They were both their after strokes, but we're otherwise healthy. They died a few months apart in 2021, after being vaxed.

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There's no such thing as Covid as some unique clinical condition. The only "novel" thing about "Covid" is the scale of the propaganda and the extent to which the public went along with the scam.

The entirety of metagenomics and gene sequencing/assemblage are fraudulent.

People have been convinced through years of social engineering to believe that the things they see on screens represent biological reality.

There is no such thing as "Covid" as a unique pathological manifestation. PCR is worse than useless for diagnostics as are antigen tests.

The “genomic sequencing” for SARS-CoV-2 is complete fraud. The Corman-Drosten team developed the test for Covid-19 based on an In-silico Genetic Sequence (from a computer simulation).

They did not have any Viral Isolates of Covid-19 available, nor any clinical samples of anyone sick with the alleged new disease. Simply based on that, the test is invalid.

A new medical test must be validated against a 'Gold Standard", that is, a test which is 100% accurate.

The Corman-Drosten team, used the SARS sequence from 2003 (which itself was never properly purified or isolated), they then used the PCR primer related to that sequence, amplified it using PCR, sequenced that they amplified (they did this multiple times) and used the sequences that were different from the SARS sequence to develop primers for their diagnostic test. As there were no purified samples or Isolates of any kind, this entire experiment was made up.

It turns out, when you input the sequences that are being tested for, to show a positive case, the sequences show up 93 times in the human genome, and approx. 91 times from Bacteria/Fungi (Microbes). These supposed "New" sequences show up in nature and are not new at all.

Never mind, you cannot possibly say these sequences are coming from a "new virus" if you don't have the virus in the first place.

The team then sent this test to China, to test for this "Novel" virus that they created a test for, with none of the "Novel" virus at their disposal.

The Chinese scientists, who work for the WEF/Pharma Cartel BTW, "found" these sequences in their 'Atypical Pneumonia" patients with non-specific respiratory symptoms, (obviously being that these sequences show up in humans), and they create an entire "Genome" based off of 1 Clinical Sample.

In order to create a Genome correctly, you would need hundreds upon thousands of samples to develop an actual accurate "Viral Genome", they took 1 person that tested positive with a PCR test created without any virus.

They then took a clinical sample from a PCR + person's lung fluid, with symptoms consistent with "Atypical Pneumonia". They take only the short RNA strands from the clinical sample, and put them into computer programs- Megahit and Trinity.

These two programs assembled a bunch of Contigs (Possible Genome structures) made up of all the short RNA strands from the person, which number 56 Million.

The Trinity computer came up with 1,329,960 Contigs ranging from 201-11,760 base pairs, the Megahit computer came up with 384,096 Contigs ranging from 200-30,474 base pairs. In layman terms, the computer generated almost 2 million possible Genome Structures.

The longest Contig (30,474 base pairs) was chosen, simply because it was the longest one. Upon further investigation, this genome was only 80% similar to SARS-COV 1 bat-like sequence. They then add some Sars 1 sequences to make it look more like a SARS virus.

Can anyone not see at this point they are simply making shit up as they go to reach their pre-ordained conclusion?

80%, is less similar than what humans are to house cats. The claim was the Genome totaled 29,903 bases long, which negates 571 bases from the Contig. If those weren't valid how do we know this entire Contig is valid?

The Contig chosen, was created out of 123,613 different pieces of short RNA from the clinical genetic sample.

They don't know where these sequences are coming from, they don't know if the genome is real, they don't know the amount of error in the process, they don't know how many "reads" were correct, this entire thing is theoretical and computer generated.

Then come thousands of papers and studies and reports all based on the original in-silico sorcery and deceptions...Turtles All The Way Down.

It's all fraud piled on top of fraud.

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all conjured to justify / open the gateway to implement the prewritten agenda. And the money shoveled into the engine created the incentives to "repeat after me ..."

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May 6Edited

Wow - that just about sums up the entire scam and fills in some of the blanks for me about how they sold the entire depop programme. Thanks for that Allen.

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Great summary. Thank you,

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Thank you Charles for always bring the truth to light!!!

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Charles; I think you've managed to put the pieces of the puzzle together faster than most of us. Great job! Let's see how the big-wigs in the Not-a-Freedom movement respond. That will certainly be a big tell on who is controlled opposition. The one solid guy is still Dr. Yeadon.

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There are others who are ruthlessly pursuing this angle!

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Me, Jessica Hockett, Martin Neil.

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Such as?

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Their tactic is to not respond and try to distract into other areas. I agree about Dr. Yeadon.

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Exactly. I am so tired of the people who say that they had some new bug that was so different. Losing taste and smell is common with sinus infections and common cold, but people nowadays act like it’s the strangest symptom in the universe.

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So true!! I swear I lose my taste almost every single time I get a cold. And I have had this happen for the last, oh….46 years I’ve been alive!

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I'm looking at some places where that was reported. Two places in particular. Golden Gate FIelds and the "superspreader" event in Boston. Some type of chemical was almost certainly used at these places. I don't know what. There were a lot of "disinfectants" used in this period. Others have reported these symptoms after plane flights.

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May 6
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I've yet to see any evidence of this.

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All you have to do is watch a few of the videos where James Giordano talks to military people about nanoparticulate matter, and sooner or later you'll hear him explain how to create a pandemic.

Here is one: https://rumble.com/v2mazqs-dr.-james-giordano-nanoparticulate-matter-aerosolized-and-weaponized-nano-s.html

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It's a method that would work. It's not the only one. All I've seen is that China and Michael Callahan began killing hospitalized patients with "countermeasures" after China uploaded a fake virus sequence to GenBank.

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May 7
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It's your claim.

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May 7
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Anything possible is a very large space that includes things other than an aerial release. Obviously disinformation promoted by media was the bulk of this Plandemic. I don't rule out an aerial release initially, but it was not required for what we have witnessed to happen, and it is unsupported.

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May 7
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I've seen where she presented this hypothetical scenario, but she did not say that was what happened in Wuhan. I've seen two places where a chemical agent was likely used, Golden Gate Fields and the Boston Superspreader Conference. Again if you have any evidence that a chemical agent was used in Wuhan feel free to share it, otherwise I'm not interested with hypothetical scenarios that don't fit the evidence.

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Extensive well done article. Thank you for this deep dive!

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Thanks. It was more "cut and paste" than anything this time, but I think it's informative to go back and review this subject. There's definitely a Medicaid incentive at work here.

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It was masterfully cut and pasted with your own deep understanding. It's a great piece, thank you Charles.

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May 6
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Seems Verma earned a Master of Public Health, with a concentration in health policy and management, from the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. She was appointed to Trump's coronavirus task force on March 2, 2020.

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