That makes sense and you got me wonderin', so I looked up "Virus micrograph". There are lots of what they are calling virus. The photos are from lots of sources. I won't be the one tracking their validity though. I just try to take damn good care of my own self and help others whenever I can and if they will. Most people and the human collective are not anywhere ready to live without doctors. https://www.microscopeworld.com/p-4317-covid-19-under-the-microscope.aspx

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Good points.

Ivermectin cures Covid?

Provided Covid exists. Viruses are just poisons, not contagious.

Just at the point of loss of credibility about any pharma product.

They are the 3rd leading cause of death from a recent Harvard study in PubMed.

Clean diet and exercise is all we have left.

Moving to creating my own teas from Marigold plant for Leutin, Dandelion Root for the liver, Essiac for possible cancer and Woodworm for parasites.

These were the cures before Rockefeller medicine, possibly thousands of years.

Cheers. 🪴

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Also Sodium Bicarb to balance ph, Acid causes disease.

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There's no substitute for good diet. We lost all the complex plant compounds from our diets and started eating junk food. Yes it throws the PH out of balance. I've listened to Robert Young speak about it. I just use more sea salt, take a lot of herbal supplements, and try not to overdo it on the junk food.

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Use the horse type the Satanic scum are now adding nanotechnology into ivermectin now that they admit it cures their biological weapon covid https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7724756/

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Those people should be in prison.

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Maybe IVM then is different today.

Seeing much controversy now about the current batch.

Now I am more wary of every pharma product.

Some reports about sterility. The whole controversy being a psyop.

Debate about Dr. PIERRE KORY not being aware of the hospital financial protocols to put people on pure oxygen and killing them.

Good that you are pursuing it.

Thanks again.

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I only want the truth, not propaganda and spin. It's a medicine. It has benefits and side effects. It may reduce male fertility and that may have been an intentional act in Africa. I wouldn't go so far as to call everything said about it a PSYOP. There is some legitimate use and research on Ivermectin. Some people in times like these bend the truth for their purposes, however. Mainly, these are the people who say it was an "antiviral" when the virus sequence itself was fraudulent, and therefore all COVID PCR tests are invalid. And that takes time to understand. I still have several articles up on "Ivermectin cures COVID" from 2021. But now I beleive Ivermectin probably helps with the types of problems that hospitals were intentionally causing, probably primarily related to bacteria.

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Could it be that Ivermectin or any alternative treatment (aspirin?, whisky?)

Created an alternative to the death protocol.

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I think there's far more to it in the 189 cases that Beth Parlato and Ralph Lorigo filed. Sure, just getting them out of the hospitals would have been an inprovement. But I believe that their vital signs of the 40 who received Ivermectin dramatically improved afterwards in the hospital. Again further study of these cases is needed.

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Bacterial pneumonia… often in those long term vented… in ICU’s .. are you trying to mix the engineered jab that left all sorts of spanners inside peoples cell machinery.. alongside the after effects of having tubes supplying moist warm air the perfect breeding ground for pathogens… most of which became aerosolised by people wearing ineffective masks that do not trap anything smaller than 3 microns..

Crisper insertions at least 4 found in these shots that do not exist in anything breathing on this earth… yet the machinery of deception.. still to do this day blah on about how dangerous Covid 19 is even with a mortality rate of less than 0 .03% we get told it’s saved 20% of the planet… even the sums don’t add up…lies lies lies.

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The vaccine status of the 189 hospitalized patients should be considered with the rest of their medical records.

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Great point: If there is no novel virus, what does ivermectin cure? The common flu or bacterial pneumonia? The Zelenko protocol used antibiotics with HCQ, but what about the FLCCC protocol? Dr. Kory's denial of bacterial infection implies he did not use antibiotics on his patients. Either way, the effect of ivermectin on bacterial infection merits further investigation.

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Ventillator-induced blood clots too, probably. Those clots tend to form around bacteria, according to some scientific studies. I remember when Dr. Bowden posted one study about Ivermectin and blood clots on Twitter, then deleted it.

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Somewhat related, two years ago I saw this article on how ivermectin could treat spike protein-induced blood clotting by (hypothetically) binding to the spike protein, thereby interfering with the spike/red blood cell interaction.

I have not revisited this theme for quite some time due to growing concerns that emphasis on spike toxicity distracts from the more pressing issue of transfection toxicity and iatrogenesis (like ventillator-induced blood clotting). Nevertheless, what I like the most about the article is the in vitro study and the diagrams modeling how it ivermectin inhibits the clotting.


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I still wonder if the vaccine-induced blood clots are related to bacteria. The vaccines destroy the immune system, so bacteria may be a part of whatever the white material is. Others speculate about graphene.

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I'm a doctor (MD for 25 years). How would I know? Honestly, the question of what occurs at the cellular level cannot be ascertained in the current climate of widespread research fraud. Many herbs act at an energetic level to heal the body in a holistic manner. The energetics of health is something Western medicine practitioners know nothing about. Perhaps ivermectin acts in a similar manner to herbs, but I prefer to recommend andrographis paniculata, an herb that has antiparasitic activity and also is proven to work against covid. You will never hear the freedom doctors (except me and a few others no one knows because we aren't with the "in", i.e.,controlled, crowd) talk abut herbs like andrographis. Andrographis was recommended by the government of Thailand for covid (probably the least corrupt thing the Thai government has ever done!). I do prescribe ivermectin, because it works in my opinion, I have seen it in front of my eyes with my own mother, who was on death's door with covid after her covid booster. I believe it has saved many lives, and that as an antiparasitic, it may help also rid the body of the weaponized nanoparasites we are all being subjected to through air, food and medications. Only by embracing nature's healing and by rejecting drugs and supplements manufactured by the chemical industry can we win. Some drugs can be healing, however, when used carefully. I don't recommend taking ivermectin for long periods of time. I recommend the work of Garth Nicholson on weaponized mycoplasmas, and the the work of Len Horowitz on bioweapons. Weather or not "viruses" exist per se is not important in the age of artificial bioweapons, imho. Call them what you want, they are being deployed, and we are being divided and distracted by psyops.

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I don't think you have to look at it on a molecular level. I think you simply have to look at the medical records problems of these specific patients who did and did not receive Ivermectin under Court Order and determine what problems hospitals created for them. I'm still amazed that hasn't been done yet. Thanks for the reply.

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Well it would implicate the hospitals, so that is why it hasn’t been done. I’m still amazed that there has been no study of the physiological effects of COVID shots, but here we are, in the cesspool of humanity’s fall into the darkest of times.

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Thank you, Kathy, for your straightforward and well-considered response to this article. As the mom of a kid who was sick with Lyme for three years, I know first-hand that the concepts of "healing" and one's "immune system" are far beyond our human capacity to fully grasp.

As far as ivermectin's effects... my layperson's interpretation has been that all of us have parasites of one kind or another -- even though we're told that only inhabitants of "third world" countries suffer from them -- and that anything that knocks down parasites immediately frees up the immune system to address a threat, be it viral, bacterial, etc. I think that may be why cancers of all sorts are being positively affected by the administration of ivermectin.

I hadn't considered the weaponized parasite avenue, but that makes total sense, too.

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I believe they were "cured" of a bio-engineered (polymer-based) micro-parasite that produces snake venom peptides. I believe these "creatures" are vulnerable to medicines and herbs that kill parasites because the engineers who created them ("crispered" the selected parasite DNA) could not remove the vulnerability to anti-parasite meds. Hence the FDA's outright WAR against anything that kills parasites, i.e., Ivermectin, HCQ, etc.

Whatever they try to demonize and stop us gaining access to, is usually the CORRECT remedy.

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There's a missing piece to the puzzle here.

"What the Hell did Ivermectin cure in the hospitalized patients who were administered Ivermectin under Court Order? If they got it, they lived. If not, they died."

What needs to be included is that those who died were receiving Covid protocol treatments and that is what was killing them. Those who were treated with Ivermectin were likely not- their physician by default likely recognized the dangers of these Covid protocols and opted for a different treatment.

You could consider Ivermectin story as placebo versus being "treated" with something that will kill you.

There is also a huge element in the story that is omitted and that is what was the condition of those being "treated" before they were placed on Covid protocols and/or Ivermectin.

Bacterial pneumonia is often contracted IN hospitals and nursing homes. Once that happened we can be assured they were labelled "Covid" and the death protocols kicked in for many.

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Good point. After all, if left alone, the "flu" generally takes care of itself anyway. So rather than a "cure" many cases (where they "lived") were clearly just a matter of NOT BEING MURDERED by the hospital.

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It wasn't flu that killed the patients, it was the methods used in used in hospitals. Somehow the administration of Ivermectin reversed however they were killing them.

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Remdesivir killed them and the ivermectin killed the parasites the big medical lie https://rumble.com/v2yebec-dr.-lee-merritt-live-video-chat-parasite-protocol-chlorine-dioxide-medicine.html

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True. But at the same time, I suspect many who demanded Ivermectin were also savvy to the dangers of Remdisivir, and much of their other murder protocols, and so, found some way to avoid these things.

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I believe the patients Dr. Bowden was referring to were hospitalized patients who were under the "protocols." They had to get attorneys to get a Court Order to force the hospital to allow someone to administer Ivermectin. If they got it they lived, if they didn't they died. It's a fairly large sample size.

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It sounds like there was more active advocacy for these patients. This means family members in most instances I assume.

With this level of advocacy this would also likely entail a 'watchdog' component. This would mean family members who understood the dangers of the protocols and were demanding that these protocols not be used in favor of Ivermectin and/or other medicines.

So it's not so straightforward as whether or not they got Ivermectin. That would not be considered a valid scientific conclusion- all of the evidence must be considered.

Another scenario could be that these individuals were on certain protocols and once the court orders came in they were taken off the protocols and then given Ivermectin and their condition improved. Could we say then that Ivermectin was the cause or the fact that they were taken off the protocols. We couldn't really say until we looked at their entire history.

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Incorrect. Advocacy was equal in the 189 cases.

Dr. Mary Bowden: "I reconnected w/ (Beth Parlato) over the weekend…hero lawyer who represented Jason Jones and his wife. She and co-counsel Ralph Lorigo filed 189 cases for hospitalized patients trying to get ivermectin. 80 cases went to hearings/trial. They won about 40 and lost about 40.

With the exception of Jason Jones, every single case lost the client died. Every case that was won, where the client got the ivermectin, the patient lived with exception of 2 (38/40.)

The remaining 109 cases that didn’t go to a hearing, unfortunately the court system along with hospital attorneys delayed proceedings…all those clients died before we could get into court.

There were also cases where they worked out the protocol with the hospital attorneys and the hospital agreed to give ivermectin and they didn’t need to file a case.

Beth said they are horrible stats for an atty. The issue was the politics. She would look up judge and knew if the judge was a democrat they would lose and if a republican they would win."

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Was a certain protocol stopped in lieu of another once the case was won?

For the cases lost was a certain protocol continued?

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You’re asking the right questions. We need a lot more information to draw a panoramic, big picture conclusion.

I’m a big fan of Ivetmectin, but that may be just one part of the survivor puzzle.

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Do you have further details on the patients? Do you have their medical charts and medical history?

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I have no information other than the statement of Dr. Bowden. Obviously more information is needed to determine what happened. It seems like at least these patient's names should be available considering their legal efforts. I tried to contact Beth Parlato once and she did not reply.

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What was in the shots spread like an infection, sounded like an infection (cough), had mucous like an infection and responded well to Z-pack, Ivermectin, and hydroxycloroquine, steroids, and albuterol inhaler. The shots caused symptoms that resembled an infection.

Maybe it was an infection?

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We just have to keep asking. Somefay we'll get the answers.

I saute you Sir!

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