Wow, you are ripping him into pieces!

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FYI, the Beth Israel in the study you cited is not the Beth Israel in NYC at which Dr. Kory says he worked in starting April 27, 2020. This hospital is in Boston. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7971402/#MOESM1

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Thank you

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Go get ‘‘em Charles. Courts seem hog tied on this whole matter. Laws must be changed. A clue senate and Congress in on the Covid debacle is the fact that they were exempt from taking the vaccine. Can we sue Biden for lying to as he is injected with a non-vaccine to lure the masses to take the kill shot.

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PREP act gives full immunity re all things vaccine. Do the CDC protocols give the same protection to Dr. Mengele, Jr. in following these “treatment” protocols? Death by ventilation, totally destroying lung tissue via over use of this treatment is not comfort care. Using Remdesivir also has grave side effects that kill. Beware, these covid treatment protocols may still be implemented if one is hospitalized for covid now. Ending these killer protocols should also be explored via the law but again our government stacked the deck by giving full immunity for many covid policies. Dr. Kory by “overexplaining” his role in treating covid indicted himself in the court of public opinion this may be the only justice ever achieved re this guy. The irony is he wants us to pay to read his bs on substack. This guy is without shame and monetizes everything and has gone mainstream with his articles as well. Beware this is a wolf in bluff sheep clothing his folksy midwestern charm is used to manipulate, obfuscate, gas light us into believing he was some kind of hero when he was paid handsomely to implement killer protocols and knew full well as a supposed lung/ pulmonologist specialist that he was doing so.


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Well said,

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What is most important in all of this and as relates to your article is that the evidence is not opaque as to what happened in Spring 2020- it is clear and voluminous.

Mass murder by policy. Those who aided and abetted these crimes are guilty as such no matter their perceived status.

Here's one way to look at it.

A) Let's even assume there "may have been a pandemic", there may have been a "lab leak", there may have been some "toxin sprayed in areas", there may have been deaths "triggered by 5G being turned on" and any other types of hypothetical assaults one wants to allege. Now add up the number of people who were killed in Spring 2020 by one's "pandemic trigger event" de jeur.

B) Now let's look at the number of people we know were killed by public health despotism and draconian policies- ventilators, remdesivir, unilateral DNR's, sedatives, neglect, fear-induced disorders, lockdowns, suicides, economic and social dislocation and other concrete, known events that occurred in Spring 2020- and beyond. Now let's add these numbers up.

Once we subtract from A the total we have in B would there even be anything to talk about? I don't think so- and that's being generous with the assumptions in A for which there is no evidence.

My question is why is it that people seem so attracted to these esoteric theories when concrete evidence is staring them right in the face?

I have my own ideas on why this is. One is that if these concrete and well-evidenced reasons for the "death spikes" in 2020 were shown for what they were, the entire can of worms of what did and didn't happen in 2020 is opened up which would implicate an entire sea of people and institutions.

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*de jour

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My husband was murdered by the hospital protocol. Given remdesivir, barcitinib .. both EUA , poisonous drugs. Caused him to code , was vented , overly sedated , paralyzed . Given fentanyl, propofol continuous drips.. medazolam, haldol, phenobarbital .. and finally killed with morphine given at a rate to increase at 1mg every 30 minutes . I finally got to see my husband after 19 days , after they bullied me to make him a. DNR. They started morphine without consent . I got to go in to see him , they injected him right in front of me and he died about 20 min later. He already had a paralytic , medazolam, fentanyl on board . He was given the death protocol drugs . When I brought him to the hospital on day one , I was told he was going to die. He wasn’t very ill, walked in on his own . Needed some oxygen and antibiotics . We weren’t vaxd, they treated us like dirt . I begged for other treatments , for ivermectin, better antibiotics, for high dose vitamins .. I was mocked and they refused . This was the most horrible thing I’ve ever experienced . Knowing there is help and better treatment , but being refused. Made to stand on the side and watch them kill him.

I later found out that Barcitinib is contraindicated for people with heart issues.. he coded and they continued to give it to him for 13 more days … his organs were failing , they blew out his lungs , he appeared to be getting sepsis or other infections . The Dr had the nerve to refuse other treatments because he said “ I took an oath to do no harm “. BS. Follow the money… the hospital protocol was a murderous protocol. All I can say and get comfort from is in knowing that God is on his throne and He declared that He will avenge. That vengeance is His . I leave it there . I don’t seek vengeance, I do want to see justice and I want to see the killing stop . Ps. Where are any lawyers willing to stand up for any of us ?? They are complicit too. Here are some stories…. chbmp.org

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I'm so sad for your pain and loss Janet. They did the same to my brother but he was "ill" because he did get the poison needles.

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These things happened to many people. I've read and listened to many family members. I will not tolerate it.

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Thank you for hearing us . ❤️‍🩹

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I'm so sorry Janet 😭🙏🕊

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Thank you ❤️‍🩹

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It’s easy to be wise afterwards isn’t it. Doctors were propagandised too. And the ICU doctors are getting the people who are at death’s door, they’re not in the same situation as Dr Zelenko, whose goal was to prevent patients going to hospital in the first place.

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My husband wasn’t at deaths door, but they worked hard to kill him . And they did .

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So sorry to hear that. There seem to be too many experiences like yours. These are the doctors that should be prosecuted.

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I am still trying to figure out how I knew that the hospital protocols were dangerous but somehow the doctors didn't know (first of all if it was being pushed on TV (like vents were) that was an obvious sign not to want one anywhere near you. There has never been any reason to trust our so-called institutions (or at least one shouldn't trust the people in charge of them). I knew I was dealing with a PYSOP that was designed to maim, kill and control people through medical tyranny. That was obvious before the shutdown so by the time Kory and his ilk showed up pretending to be saviors, I was laughing at the absurdity of it all so as not to be consumed by the anger I felt from these crimes against humanity I was witnessing during the Plandemic. I told everyone I knew to stay away from hospitals and most doctors - more than ever. The ones who didn't listen regret it immensely - either immediately or eventually.

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Yes we regret taking them to the hospital , but we couldn’t get any help from anyone.. they couldn’t breathe , didn’t know what to do. They were murdered and we walk around with the guilt and trauma of it all . We couldn’t get early treatment of any kind . CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY !

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Historically, if a doctor diagnosed you with the flu you were sent home with a prescription for antibiotics to prevent you from getting pneumonia. If this had been done for those diagnosed with COVID-19, most people would have survived.

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"Remdesivir was the standard of care for hospitalized COVID patients who were unvaccinated. Dr. Kory should have been aware that Remdesivir was causing organ failure."

Says who? What organs? How?

"Misdiagnosis of bacterial pneumonia as viral pneumonia is another major factor in “COVID” deaths."

Says who?

"Patients who initially presented with bacterial pneumonia were denied antibiotics if they also had a postive “COVID” test, and were instead given Remdesivir."

Says who?

You make quite a few wild claims there. Can you back any of those up with hard data?

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Check out chbmp.org and read and listen to the stories .. hundreds recorded and hundreds of thousands more out there .. they are all very similar if not the same .. I dare you to hear the voices of those of us who lived this, experienced this .. lost our loved ones to hospital protocol murder.

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I agree Janet. I learned the truth listening to them. I pray that Justice is served.

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What data? Where can we find the data on Dr. Kory's treatment records Fabian? All I have are his words and the words of many others, but don't pretend that words are not evidence.

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This guy is a distraction and scammer.

Observing them in the first few minutes will tell you all you need to know.

Look at Kirsch's duper's delight!


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Well, anyone who would defend Remdesivir is a pathetic human being. If he's smart enough to understand statistics, he's smart enough to go through the death statistics everywhere Remdesivir has ever been used. I have some tolerance for the naive but none for the evil. Thanks for posting the link yulia.

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Agreed re remdesivir.

I've been observing this guy commenting - complete distraction, and irrelevance.

My impression is that his task is to keep his "opponents" busy arguing whatever he brings to the table. It never seems like a genuine discussion. And he says he doesn't want to argue then continues with irrelevant stuff.

I believe he's a paid plant.

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He'll always be the guy who said "Where is the proof that Remdesivir causes net harm?" Fabian can take that to Steve Kirsch. Kirsch was in discussions with Gilead about Remdesivir and GS-441524 in 2020. Kirsch funded trials that used Remdesivir with deadly results, from contributions from Elon Musk, Jeff Rothschild, and probably Bill Gates.




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For evidence that Remdesivir causes net harm, read the case reports from the organizations that I highlighted in the article.

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None of your links contain any such information. The only mention I found in one of the articles you linked stated "Remdesivir failed to demonstrate benefit in experimental male mice survival".

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The links contain descriptions of how people were killed with Remdesivir. You are banned.

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And this:

BIDMC launches clinical trials evaluating anti-viral drug remdesivir as treatment for COVID-19

MARCH 24, 2020

Boston, Mass. – Physician-scientists at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) are now enrolling patients in two clinical trials testing treatment options for COVID-19, the illness caused by the novel coronavirus. Two trials, led by infectious disease specialist Kathryn Stephenson, MD, MPH, will test the antiviral drug remdesivir for safety and efficacy against the respiratory infection that has sickened more than 300,000 and killed more than 15,000 around the world to date.

“In addition to the social distancing measures now being implemented in every part of the world, new treatment options are needed to put an end to this unprecedented global pandemic,” said BIDMC Chief Academic Officer Gyongyi Szabo, MD, PhD. “With these timely clinical trials, BIDMC is bringing physicians and scientists, academia and industry together so that we can contribute to the worldwide effort to find new treatments for COVID-19.”

Remdesivir, an investigational drug developed by Gilead Sciences Inc. as a general purpose anti-viral, is designed to lessen the severity of COVID-19 by preventing viral replication in the early stages of infection. The two clinical trials at BIDMC will assess remdesivir’s efficacy when given to hospitalized patients with either moderate or severe COVID-19.


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Keep this handy:

First Experimental Drug Site Opens in New York

Published April 3, 2020

Montefiore Health System and Albert Einstein College of Medicine joined a clinical trial to evaluate the experimental drug remdesivir to treat people who are hospitalized with severe COVID-19 infection.

Montefiore-Einstein is one of 46 testing sites nationwide and is the first site in New York state to open. The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes of Health, is sponsoring the trial. This treatment has the potential to help people who have serious lung complications as a result of COVID-19. Recruitment for the trial began in March and is still underway.

NIAID launched the multi-center international effort to determine if remdesivir, a broad-spectrum antiviral drug, acts against COVID-19 viral infection. Remdesivir has shown promise in animal models of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), both caused by human coronaviruses.

The randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial is being led by principal investigator Barry Zingman, M.D., professor of medicine at Einstein and clinical director, infectious diseases, in the Moses division of Montefiore Health System. The trial is "adaptive," meaning it can be modified to include other investigational treatments. "This flexibility allows us to add additional therapies to the trial step-by-step to improve treatment as the pandemic continues," said Dr. Zingman.

Trial participants are hospitalized patients with a laboratory-confirmed coronavirus infection and lung complications, including rattling sounds when breathing, a need for supplemental oxygen, abnormal chest X-rays showing pneumonia, or the need for a mechanical ventilator.

People in the treatment group will receive 200 mg of remdesivir intravenously on the first day of their enrollment in the study and will receive another 100 mg each day for the duration of hospitalization, for up to 10 days total. The placebo group will receive an equal volume of a solution that resembles remdesivir but contains inactive ingredients.

No therapies have yet been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for treating COVID-19. Remdesivir, an investigational antiviral therapy, was developed by Gilead Sciences, Inc.


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Wow. Who knew it was a bad idea to use a drug with a proven death profile over 50%? It is interesting how, by combining Remdisivir with several OTHER obviously deadly protocols, (even including denial of hydration and nutrition) they got the death rate up over 80%.

Nice. Collect the whole set. Anyone who STILL trusts the hospitals and their murderous staff at this late stage is a MORON. All of them KNEW and still know, that their business is KILLING. And they had the nerve to want public support when the death jabs were suddenly pointed primarily at THEM.

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Exactly. Traveling nurses getting 4x their pay plus awesome per diem were happily going along with the program.

Then again the whole nuclear medicine industry was founded on getting paid to poison people. They just swapped the old chemotherapy slow kill for the hospital protocol warp speed kill. Until they unleashed the mystery jabs so we’re back to the slow kill mode of messing with the immune systems again.

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And no doubt in order to get that 4x pay they agreed to sign NDA's.

But hey the CARES Act, Prep Act and countless other bureaucratic orders that pre-set and guaranteed these mortality events and massive profits as well as further procedural implementations fell out of the sky in early 2020.

Believing this was orchestrated and documents prepared well in advance that would set the operation in motion and concretize desired outcomes for powerful interests is too far flung for people to grasp?

It's all in plain sight.

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I know too many engineers that refuse to discuss building 7. They can’t grasp that all the buildings collapsing at essentially free fall weren’t prepared for controlled demolition. People are too invested in the shock value of the tv screen the acceptable narrative.

Any questions mean you are not honoring those who died.

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"People are too invested in the shock value of the tv screen the acceptable narrative."

Isn't that the truth.

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Seems the best way to murder people without being prosecuted, is to do it via injection. And yes, destroying the immune system is one of their best options because it (usually) works like a delayed incendiary device so that when the victim dies, there is a distance (time) between the triggering event (injection) and the diagnosable destruction (building burning down) thus providing some measure of protection for the perps, i.e., possible deniability.

Direct injection is very effective for depopulation. Most other mechanisms would be far to immediately obvious to keep people lining up for more;-) And these would also lead to prosecutions as well.

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This is an excellent piece. Huge congrats on pointing out that this “novel virus” was created on a computer and that a “positive test “ was based on an invalid test.

Knowing too many doctors, nurses, other health professionals, I have heard about impersonal disregard for patients whose relatives were not present. If you tell these healthcare folks that “Covid” patients have a highly contagious and deadly disease, then you can imagine how much worse the disregard for the patients. The health care folks are not getting paid 4x their regular rate to risk their own hides. So they are happy to suppress inject , vent, and ignore until death. Those with a conscience cried. Protocols for profit and death, while protecting the health care workers.

Being able to travel the globe and hobnobbing while selling books and your own story is not helping anyone but does wonders for your ego and personal financial situation.

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He chose the highest payed execution method.

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I have known for a long time through fund raising for our local ICU that you should never put a pneumonia patient on an ordinary ventilator. We actually raised funds to buy a special machine for such patients that was much more gentle on their lungs.

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Yes!!!! This comment!!

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I have friends who are doctors as well as family they work at multiple hospitals and their own private clinic. When they do rounds at hospitals they must follow hospital protocols only private practice clinics are able to make their own decisions. This is why Doctor M was in tears because when he tried to treat his hospital patients the hospital took over his patient care denying them treatment that was saving their lives.

What your saying only proves these doctors were working in hospital situations where patients were being killed and they acknowledged it. Instead of accepting this you are accusing them of making hospital protocols that killed people. These are false accusations.

I heard Dr.k discuss hospitals killing patients adnauseum. You accusing him of hiding it is not true. He saved patients by taking them out of hospitals when they made their own protocols. He tried to save patients lives who came to him too late presenting with organ failure.

He is a doctor not God. He cannot force hospitals to change their protocols any more than you or I can. He can only do his best which is what he did saving lives and raising awareness.

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As far as I know , organ failure wasn’t due to Covid .. it was caused by remdesivir and Barcinitib .. and all of the sedatives , paralytics and poisons that they pumped into people . I’m sad and sickened by doctors who chose to kill, rather than speak up and save lives. They betrayed their oath to do no harm . They are not guiltless. The ones I dealt with did not care .. the patients were just meat on a conveyer belt . Blame “COVID” say oh well and collect the $$$. So sad and evil.

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Excellent piece here! I am learning to accept no words or testimony at face value. It’s not my fault. It’s my responsibility as a thinking, inquisitive human. It would not take too much time out of Kory’s day to completely refute this — if, in fact, he can— and thus dispel these nagging doubts.

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